Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao said for fake news issues that if the media can be self -disciplined, the problem of false information is best to solve it by the journalism, and no legislation is required.

Comprehensive Sing Tao Daily and the Internet media "Hong Kong 01" reported that the Li family super on Tuesday (April 23) met with reporters before attending the Executive Council that the information issued by Hong Kong media is better than before, and withThe worst period has improved compared to, but this does not mean that fake news does not need to be protected.

Li Jiachao said that he hopes that professional media workers can deal with false information together, improve and maintain the credibility of news and network information from a professional perspective.

Li Jiachao emphasized that the Hong Kong government did not ignore the problem of "fake news". Instead, seeing that different journalist groups are working hard, they will also refute or correction on incorrect information.

He said that he hopes that the Hong Kong media can give priority to the problem of "self -discipline, industry improvement and professionalism". If the industry work together, "no legislation" is best.

After the outbreak of the Hong Kong anti -repair routine in 2019, officials from Hong Kong Government repeatedly criticized the Lord's camp to distribute false information through the media.In 2021, the then Chief Executive Lin Yueyue of Hong Kong proposed the possibility of formulating fake news law to cope with "error information, hatred of remarks and lies", but did not formulate a timetable for legislation.

Lin Dingguo, the director of the Hong Kong Department of Justice, said in an exclusive interview with the Hong Kong South China Morning Post that the current urgent work is to combat soft confrontation, but the fake news law is not on the legislative agenda of the current Hong Kong government.