The Hong Kong government has not yet suspened to successfully complete the legislation of Article 23 of the Basic Law, and set a phase ending for the work of maintaining national security in recent years, and then began to focus on the development of economic development.However, the impact of the storm of environmental protection issues in the past month in the past month has revealed that it is not easy to do in the future.

First of all, it was discussed in the Hong Kong society for 20 years of garbage levy. It was originally implemented on April 1 this year.During this period, you will be tried in multiple buildings.A few days ago, Xie Zhanhuan, director of the Eco and Ecological Bureau, changed his mouth again.It seems that the official probability has retreating and shelving the relevant plans.

Why does the Hong Kong Government take after or even cancel the cost of levy? Most citizens think the cost of garbage fee is disturbing the people Only a few people agreed to reduce waste.From a positive point of view, the Hong Kong government's move is in line with the public opinion, but objectively gives a sense of lightness, which makes the official prestige frustrated.

Unexpectedly, there was a wave of unrest and one wave. When the waste levy fee was extended to the implementation of August, another major environmental protection policy of the Hong Kong government was implemented on Monday (April 22).The "control is abandoning plastic products" legislation.According to this policy, Hong Kong merchants cannot provide or sell to customers from the week, that is, abandoning foaming tableware, drinking pipes, rubber knives, rubber forks, etc.;Cup and abandon plastic food container.

In terms of hotels, some washing and dressing supplies such as rubber handle, plastic packaging toothpaste, rubber bottle water, and body cleaning supplies of plastic containers are also prohibited from free distribution under the new laws, only for sales purposes.

According to the number of urban solid waste reports released by the Hong Kong Environmental Protection Agency in 2022, the plastic waste generated by Hong Kong people's daily life is amazing. About 1940 pieces of rubber tableware are discarded per person per year, and 14.6 billion pieces of rubber and forks are discarded in Hong Kong each year.In response to environmental protection, the Hong Kong Government's implementation of plastic control measures was nothing wrong. Most of the Hong Kong people also supported and identified this environmental protection policy. However, in real life, many people and the catering industry have not prepared to "shaped".

For example, the Hong Kong Government has repeatedly said that it is not worried that there are no alternatives. There are already lunch boxes, bamboo forks, wooden spoons, paper drinks, and so on on the market.However, some restaurants have reflected that the food industry has already had a lot of operating pressure in recent years, and is worried that the cost after the transformation will rise.Taking drinking management as an example, the price of glue and paper drinking management is nearly 10 times, reflecting that the new policy will increase the operating burden of the food industry.

In fact, some chain catering groups have announced on the eve of the implementation of the "plastic order" that more than 380 branches across the board will be transferred to non -plastic takeaway tableware, each charging one dollar of Hong Kong dollars.Some people in the industry have pointed out that the cost of environmentally friendly tableware is generally more expensive, and the relevant cost will eventually be passed on to the diners, which will make the already weak Hong Kong food industry worse.

Even more, the effectiveness of some environmentally friendly tableware is also doubtful.Earlier reports and online comments pointed out that if environmentally friendly tableware is soaked by hot soup for a long time, it is easy to soften and cannot be used.Just like the paper drinking tube is soaked in the beverage, the paper will become soft, and it is difficult to suck the drink.

Monday is the first day of the implementation of the "planning order". Based on the reports of local media, most Hong Kong people said that supporting "shaping" will reduce takeaway in the future and change to eat.But many people admit that they have failed to adapt to new measures for the time being.Some citizens say that it is not convenient to carry them to reuse tableware. In order to avoid cleaning, they will choose to abandon tableware.Some people say that even if they are brought up, the company may not provide a place to clean the tableware, and they must change their habits slowly in the future.

However, the Hong Kong government has absorbed the lessons of the early waste levy storm, and has made a lot of efforts recently.For example, Xu Haoguang, director of the Environmental Protection Agency, frequently arrived in the region, went to the branch of different large chain catering groups to inspect, and talked with the person in charge of the restaurant and the frontline employees to understand the preparations of the industry's implementation of new laws, including alternative tableware supply, and customer response.Essence

The adaptation period of the Environmental Protection Agency has also announced the measure of measures recently, emphasizing that during the adaptation period of the first six months, it will focus on education, guidance, and assistance to the industry to adapt new rules and provide alternative information.In the future, if you encounter violations, you will not enforce the law immediately, but mainly persuasion.Judging from the response to the "planning order" on Monday, although Hong Kong people are not used to it, the response is roughly calm, and the relevant policies should be implemented smoothly. This storm should be able to spend it steadily.

In any case, the two recent environmental protection storms have greatly inspired the future governance of the Hong Kong government."Plastic order" does not cause chaos as if it is not launched without levy, and it needs to be behind them. It reflects that Hong Kong should more effectively promote environmental protection policies in the future.Essence

Further to say that Hong Kong has reshaped the political pattern after 2019, and the test faces unprecedented tests. How to promote the reform of the reform and become a new peak of the economy has become the top priority for the Hong Kong government.The official hopes to achieve results as soon as possible with efficient actions, but it is not fast. When promoting relevant policies, it must be step by step. Do not hold a step -by -step mentality, otherwise it is easy to make trouble.