The US media think tank report proposes that as the mainland trading market continues to slow, employers will reduce high -paying personnel, and Hong Kong Investment Banks will face more layoffs.

Chen Yongfu, a senior analyst of Bloomberg think tank, wrote on Monday (April 22) in a report that it is estimated that 200 Hong Kong bankers have been unemployed in the past year.Hong Kong senior bankers' salary is 40%to 70%higher than Singapore's peers. As the employer decides to lay off layoffs, Hong Kong bankers may find their salary as a stumbling block for staying.

Chen Yongfu said, "More global banks may further lay off in Hong Kong to save more costs, especially when the Chinese trading market slows down."Relational friction has caused the impact of transactions and real estate crises. Global financial companies have been cutting employees of Asian investment banking business.Investment banks such as Morgan Stanley and HSBC Holdings have laid off in the investment banking department this month, and Hong Kong and mainland China are the first.

Hong Kong's first public offering (IPO) transactions were sluggish, and the financing scale fell to the lowest level in more than 20 years last year.In the first quarter, the scale of IPO fundraising further decreased by 29%to about $ 605 million (about S $ 824 million), which was the worst three months since the global financial crisis.

The report said that although the number of IPO applications in Hong Kong increased, the local IPO prospects were "or maintained."

The Bloomberg think tank report data shows that the scale of Hong Kong's US dollar and Hong Kong dollar bonds has dropped significantly from the peak of 2020.

Hays Asia's investigation at the end of 2013 shows that the income of the Hong Kong Investment Bank analysts and assistants is 30%to 100%higher than the same positions in Singapore, Mainland China and Japan.The income is 40%to 70%higher than Singapore, the mainland and Japan.