In response to the "World Earth Day", the first stage of Hong Kong control, that is, the discarding plastic tableware on Monday (April 22) officially implemented it.Baseball, rubber dishes, rubber food gear (fork knife splees), the hotel is also prohibited from providing free toothbrushes, plastic packaging toothpaste, shower cap, etc.

Comprehensive Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency and Sing Tao Daily reported that under the new legislation, the restaurant can choose to provide guests with free tableware or non -plastic, or discarding tableware, or collect non -plastic tableware based on their own business considerationsThe cost of the package also allows the hotel to provide guests with non -plastic substitutes for free, or collect fees to continue to provide plastic supplies.

Cui Dingbang, director of the Hong Kong Tourism Promotion Association, pointed out that after the hotel cleans the room on Monday, it will provide wooden toothbrushes and paper packaging toothpaste in accordance with the new legislation, and will not provide slippers and bottle water.However, he said that the shower cap and razors are still more difficult to find alternatives, hoping that the Environmental Protection Agency can help provide channels for substitutes.

Xie Zhanhuan, director of the Hong Kong Environment and Ecology Bureau, said that the Environmental Protection Agency will adopt a gradual implementation model to allow the industry to transition smoothly.The Department will send staff to inspect 20,000 dining restaurants, as well as 20,000 retail stores and hotels to understand their operations, focus on publicity and education, and provide suggestions and information to assist enterprises in accordance with the provisions of new laws.

For non -plastic, that is, abandoned tableware, such as pulp tableware soaked by hot soup for a long time, it is easy to soften. Xie Zhanhuan pointed out that the material of environmentally friendly tableware is diverse. In addition to pilesSugarcane slurry, wood pulp, grass slurry, etc.

Reported that Hong Kong plastic problems are imminent.The Hong Kong Solid Waste Supervision Report in 2022 shows that Hong Kong has 2,369 metric tons of waste plastic daily to be sent to the reclaiming area, of which the amount of gum tableware has reached 227 metric tons.The decomposition time required for plastic waste is based on a century, which constitutes a heavy burden on the reclaiming area and has a profound impact on environmental ecology and human health.

The new regulations for abandoning plastic tableware in Hong Kong are implemented in two stages.In the first stage, it is forbidden to sell foaming tableware to takeaway customers, and prohibit the catering office from providing the food customers to provide gum tableware.The second stage is to comprehensively implement all controls, and at the same time, the catering office is prohibited from providing food and takeaway customers, which are abandoned tableware.