Two former employees entered the Hong Kong High Court and asked Apple Daily Co., Ltd. to liquidate.

Comprehensive Hong Kong media such as the Xingbao Xingdao Daily reported on Monday (April 15) that after the publication of Apple Daily in 2021, at least 55 former employees have entered the Labor and Registration Office to recover their salary and pay their salaries.The annual leave and year -end remuneration exceeded HK $ 4.27 million (about $ 740,000). Since Apple did not attend the hearing or submit defense, the trial officer finally sentenced the employee to win the lawsuit.

However, because the Apple Daily is currently taken over by the temporary liquidation, the hukou is still frozen. Former employees Chen Hansong and Yang Yocheng last Friday (12th) were invited to the Court of High Court to liquidate the Court of High Court.Public information shows that Chen Hanrong had previously entered the Labor Tribunal with other employees and recovered the arrears of salary from the Apple Daily.

According to the website of the judicial institution, Apple Daily Co., Ltd. was liquidated to hear, and the current schedule was at 9:30 am on July 3, 2024.

One Media Group was ordered by the High Court in December 2021.Apple Daily Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of One Media Group, is charged with the Hong Kong National Security Law to collude with the crime of harming national security and is currently being interrogated.