After the Hong Kong Legislative Council passed 23 legislations of the Basic Law on Tuesday (March 19), the Hong Kong Affairs Office of the Hong Kong and Macao Office of the State Council of the State Council and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Hong Kong in Hong Kong have issued a congratulatory, saying that this is in the "one country, two systems"The cause of career development has an important milestone.

The Hong Kong and Macau Office of the State Council of China passed the three legislative three readings to accelerate the publication and promotion documents on the same day to congratulate the successful admission of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Regulations for maintaining the national security regulations.

There are three main purpose in the article, including the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region actively fulfilling the responsibility of maintaining the national security constitutional system and fully demonstrating the new weather of patriotism and love in Hong Kong; the Hong Kong National Security Regulations have been successfully passed.It provides a more solid institutional guarantee; and under high level of security, Hong Kong will definitely achieve high -quality development and high levels of opening up, accelerating the pace of governance and prosperity.

The Hong Kong and Macau Office said that Guoan can be in Hong Kong, and Guoan can be home.To protect national security is to protect the "one country, two systems", that is, to protect the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong, the interests of foreign investors, the democratic freedom of Hong Kong, the human rights and fundamental benefits of all residents of Hong Kong.The formulation and implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Regulations will further build the security foundation of Hong Kong's development and promote Hong Kong to accelerate the realization of the governance and promotion.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Hong Kong also claims to be a statement of maintaining the presence of the national security barrier in Hong Kong Yizhi and Xingxing, which expresses heated congratulations.

Statement stated that the completion of the 23 legislation of the Hong Kong Basic Law is the constitutional responsibility and actual needs of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.The administrative and legislative agencies of the SAR have completed the legislative procedures rigorous and solid, high -quality and efficient, and conform to people's hearts and hope.The legislation has created a strong armor for Hong Kong's maintenance of national security, providing solid support for Hong Kong's realization of governance and prosperity, showing the new weather of the "Patriot Governing Hong Kong", and opening a new chapter in the "one country, two systems" cause.

Statement stated that the smooth through the Hong Kong National Security Regulations will help give full play to the overall institutional efficiency of the SAR legal system, further build a safe, convenient and efficient business environment, and enhance the confidence of local and overseas investors, so asHigh -quality and safety guarantees high -quality development, ensure long -term safety and prosperity and stability in Hong Kong.

The China United Nations Office and the National Security Agency in Hong Kong also issued a statement to congratulate Article 23 of the Basic Law.

The full vote of the Hong Kong Legislative Council passed the draft national security regulations commonly known as Article 23 of the Basic Law.Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao said that the bill will take effect on Saturday (March 23), and described this as a historical moment for the Hong Kong government and the Legislative Council to complete the glorious mission.