The Chinese government has taken a series of measures to boost the real estate industry, and it has not prevented residential sales from continuing to decline.According to the latest official data, from January to October this year, Chinese residential sales fell 3.7%year -on -year.

Many media reported by China, the data released by the National Bureau of Statistics of China on Wednesday (November 15) shows that from January to October this year, the sales area of ​​commercial houses was 92.579 million square meters, a year -on -year decreaseSales area decreased by 6.8%.The sales of commercial housing were 9716.1 billion yuan (RMB, the same below, about S $ 1806.7 billion), a decrease of 4.9%, of which residential sales fell 3.7%.Previously, from January to September, residential sales decreased by 3.2%year -on -year.

Data also show that from January to October, the national real estate development investment decreased by 9.3%year -on -year, of which 727.9 billion yuan in residential investment decreased by 8.8%.From January to September, the national real estate development investment decreased by 9.1%year -on -year.

From January to October, the house construction area of ​​real estate development enterprises was 822.895 million square meters, a year -on -year decrease of 7.3%.Among them, the residential construction area was 5793.61 million square meters, a decrease of 7.7%.The newly started house area was 79.1.77 million square meters, a decrease of 23.2%.Among them, the newly started construction area was 57.659 million square meters, a decrease of 23.6%.

A spokesman for the National Bureau of Statistics Liu Aihua said at a press conference on Wednesday that from the above data, the real estate market is still in the adjustment period of the transition.

Liu Aihua said that in response to the real estate market situation, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council made a series of important deployments. Recently, relevant departments have introduced a series of optimized adjustment policies.She said that from the situation in October in October, there have been certain marginal improvement signs of real estate development investment, commercial housing sales and other indicators.

Liu Aihua further said that from the long run, the current GDP per capita domestic product (GDP) has just exceeded $ 12,000, and the urbanization rate also has a lot of room for improvement."It should be said that overall housing rigid demand and improvement of sexual demand are still large. In the future, with the further deepening of real estate policies in various regions and departments, the new model of real estate development will be gradually established, which will promote the stability, health, and high quality of the real estate market.Develop. "