In the face of the continuous pressure of China's currency tightening, the National Bureau of Statistics of China will emphasize that the price of the lower price at the low level in the next stage will gradually alleviate, and there will be no deflation.

The latest official data from China shows that China's consumer price index (CPI) in October decreased by 0.2%year -on -year, and once again fell into a tightening range.

The First Financial reported that Liu Aihua, spokesman for the National Bureau of Statistics, Liu Aihua, chief of the General Economic Economic Affairs Division, and the Department of National Economic Comprehensive Statistics on Wednesday (November 15), said at the press conference that after the above data was announced, the above data was announced., The outside world pays attention to the situation of prices.She said that there are three basic awareness of the current and one period of the current and one period of time.

First, the structural characteristics of the price are obvious.Liu Aihua pointed out that the expansion of food prices is the main reason for driving the price level.From the previous quarter, food prices rose from 0.3%to 0.8%from last month to 0.8%. Compared with the average seasonal level in the past ten years, the decrease was relatively large, affecting the CPI by about 0.14 percentage points from the previous month.In terms of year -on -year, food prices decreased by 4%year -on -year, a decrease of 0.8 percentage points from the previous month, and affecting the decrease of CPI by about 0.75 percentage points.

In food, the price of pork has a greater impact. The price of pork decreased by 30.1%year -on -year in October, an increase of 8.1 percentage points, which affects the decrease of CPI by about 0.55 percentage points.The fall of food prices is mainly affected by factors such as the sunny weather in October, the supply of agricultural products in October, and the supply of agricultural products in October, and the decline in consumer demand after the holiday. It has obvious seasonal characteristics.

From the perspective of non -food prices, the increase is relatively stable. Non -food rose 0.7%in the month, and the increase was the same as last month.

Second, the core price is generally stable.Liu Aihua said that in October, the core CPI that deducted food and energy prices rose 0.6%year -on -year, which was flat month -on -month.From January to October, the consumer prices of residents rose 0.4%year -on -year, of which the core CPI rose 0.7%year -on -year.

Third, the main factor affecting the price level has improved.Liu Aihua said that from the perspective of changes in the operation of the overall economic and main indicators, the economic operation continues the trend of recovery as a whole.From the perspective of changes in demand, the demand for goods and services is continuing to recover.From the perspective of currency conditions, the broad currency has maintained a faster growth, and the market liquidity is generally reasonable and abundant.

Liu Aihua emphasized that based on these factors judgment, the situation of low price operation in the next stage will gradually alleviate, and there will be no deflation.