(video was taken by Han Yonghong)

At about 2 pm local time, the Chinese living in San Francisco have pulled up a banner at the street near the city center, ready to welcome the Chinese official team to arrive.

It is understood that the official planes by China will arrive at San Francisco International Airport at about 3 pm.Chinese officials were invited to the United States to hold the Sino -US dollar meeting in the United States and attend the 30th leader of the Asia -Pacific Economic Organization (APEC).Cai Qi, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and director of the Central Office, and Wang Yi, member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China, followed by Wang Yi.

(Video provided by readers)

The local Chinese community in San Francisco began to organize the masses last week to line up when Chinese officials arrived.The welcoming the masses of the Tao also played singing the motherland on the spot with the amplifier, which can be heard across several streets.There were also many police officers on the scene to prevent accidents or sudden protests. There were also helicopters in the sky to patrol at low altitudes.A Chinese who went to greetings told the United Morning Post reporter that the official Chinese official came to San Francisco: "We are of course excited, we are Chinese!"

A demonstrator raised banners to protest, and the surrounding people tried to block her demands with a large Chinese flag.(Photo by Han Yonghong)

(video was taken by Han Yonghong)