(Beijing Bloomberg) Bloomberg According to the content analysis and statistics released by the Communist Party of China Discipline Inspection Commission, Chinese officials have launched investigations on 41 senior officials since January this year.The more retired officials.

Chinese officials regarded anti -corruption as the primary task at the beginning of their ruling. So far, more than 4 million "flies" (local officials) and 533 "tigers" (deputy ministerial and above officials).

Bloomberg said that the senior officials who have been investigated so far this year are not higher than the level of minister, but as the former Foreign Minister Qin Gang and the former Minister of Defense Li Shangfu have been removed from office recently, the situation may change.In addition, several Rockets generals were also investigated this summer.

Bloomberg also found that at least 17 retirees have been investigated this year, which is the highest number since the Chinese official ruling.In his first year of his office, the Communist Party of China only investigated two retired officials.When the Xinhua News Agency published last month, retirement was not a amulet, and anti -corruption did not stop.

Torgery, a researcher at the Hoover History Laboratory of Stanford University, pointed out that China's domestic challenges may exacerbate anti -corruption, to clearly warn cadres and remind them to act more cautiously.