(Beijing Comprehensive News) The Ministry of Public Security intends to perform new payment accounts and digital renminbi wallets shall not be opened within three years of implementation of telecommunications network fraud and their associations, and disciplinary measures such as telephone cards will be shut down.

The Chinese Ministry of Public Security announced on Monday (November 13) on the official website to publish telecommunications network fraud and its joint punishment for criminal punishment (draft for comments), which is called in -depth implementation of the China Anti -Telecom Network Fraud Law.The competent department drafted the joint punishment of telecommunications network fraud and its associations (drafts for comments) (draft for comments), and sought opinions from the public.

The opinion draft states that for those who are investigated for criminal responsibility for the implementation of telecommunications network fraud and their associated crimes, the punishment period is recommended to be three years;Essence

The punishment measures include the bank account of bank accounts under the name of the suspension of the disciplinary object, and the non -counter gold business of digital RMB wallets, but there is both the agreement of paying taxes, social security, hydropower and gas expenses, etc.Except for the money paid by the department; the payment of all the business of the account will be paid under the name of the punishment object, except for the balance of the payment account, except for the withdrawal; during the punishment period, the newly -paid account and digital RMB wallet shall not be opened for the punishment object.

The telephone card, IoT card, domain name, IP address and other communications services under the target name of the disciplinary object, excluding communication services involving production operation or life health; only to retain a non -involved phone card.

In addition, all phone card registrations in the disciplinary target of simultaneous shutdown and disciplinary names, social and drainage attribute Internet accounts with risks involving fraud, shall not register a new Internet account with a new risk of fraud.

Since the beginning of this year, the Chinese police have strictly hit telecommunications network fraud, including cooperating with neighbors Myanmar to combat cross -border telecommunications fraud.