The official reward and wanted in China and the Northern Myanmar Allied ArmyUnder the rapid offensive, the electric fraud family entangled in northern Myanmar seems to have gone.

The Chinese public security organs have publicly rewarded the Electric Scammer Odge of the Burma Northern Myanmar Guoyan Autonomous Region on Sunday (November 12).video.

Wei Qingtao, captured by the Chinese police, confessed to the camera to the camera, "This time the Chinese government has made up their minds, does not eliminate electrical fraud, and will never receive troops."Insianding, he told his family not to have any fantasies, and seize the last chance to open the park and take the initiative to return to China in the park.

He finally said: "If Chinese casualties appear in the park, even if it is one or half, we can't afford this consequences, and the Chinese government will make us blood debt."

The four major families in northern Myanmar

Wei Qingtao is the second son of the Wei Chaoren family. Like him, Liu Zhengxiang (also known as Liu Abao), his brother Liu Zhengqi, and Liu ZhengqiMing Xuechang's son -in -law Bi Huijun.Wei and Liu are important members of the four major families in northern Myanmar, and the Ming family is another new forces.

It is rumored that Wei Qingtao, Wei Qingtao and Bi Hui army were arrested in China last month. It is currently being further investigated by the Chinese police.The content of the three people's remorse is basically the same, and the shooting background is basically the same.

With the videos of the three, the entries related to northern Myanmar were searched on the list of Chinese Weibo on Tuesday (14th) in the morning."Group", "Who is funding to the Kipper Allied forces" and "Crouching Tiger Villa" and so on.

The four major families in northern Myanmar, also known as the four major families of Jite, are led by Bai Chengcheng, Wei Chaoren, Liu Guoxi and Liu Zhengxiang.They controlled the minerals, commerce and real estate in the old streets of the Jianga Autonomous Region in northern Myanmar, and they also involved black industries such as electricity and gambling.

The dare to be in northern Myanmar and the Rongbang borders in Yunnan, China. It is the main gathering place of the Chinese and enjoys a high autonomy.

Ibaka and China Yunnan ProvinceBetween the area of ​​2,700 square kilometers, which is equivalent to the size of two Hong Kong.(Internet)

Bai Xicheng was the first chairman of the Jite dare autonomous region, and his family operated Yum!, Its family runs the hotel's catering and real estate development.In business, Liu Zhengxiang started with drug trafficking and founded the Fervili Group.

Ming Xuechang, who was wanted by the Chinese police, was a family member of the Ming family, and the Ming family had close relationships with the four major families.

The Wohu Villa operated by the Ming family is the largest electrical fraud park in the jealous area.The four people were wanted this time.In addition to Ming Xuechang, his eldest son Ming Guoping, eldest daughter Mingjiku and granddaughter Ming Zhenzhen are also wanted targets.Among them, Mingjikan and Ming Zhenzhen also had household registration and ID cards in Yunnan in China.

Candida alliance clearance electricity scams?

China has cooperated with Southeast Asian countries to combat electrical fraud this year, and conduct joint operations many times.According to statistics from the Criminal Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, as of October 16, 4,666 suspects in northern Burma were transferred to China.

China has made significant progress in the past few days, and it is also related to the armed conflict that broke out in northern Myanmar.

On October 27th, the "Three Brothers Alliance Organizations" composed of the Burmese Kokang National Democratic Allied Army (referred to as the Katars of the Allied Army), the German National Liberation Army and the Ruokai Army launched an attack on the Myanmar government forces.

The operation allowed the Myanmar military government to face the biggest military challenge since 2021.The picture shows the training exercise of the Burma's Deion National Liberation Army in March this March in the northern Myanmar Forest Forest.(Agence France -Presse)

The ethnic minorities armed in northern Myanmar had carried out long -term confrontation with the military government in the last century.After 1988, the local armed forces signed a ceasefire agreement with the central government, but retained high autonomy and have been looking for the opportunity to seek the expansion of control.

The Kokang Allied Army launched an operational statement on the day of the attack stating that the operation would "eradicate telecommunications fraud, fraud dens and its umbrellas including nationwide, including the China -Myanmar border region."

In the past two weeks, the offensive offensive with the banner of anti -fraud.According to the "Kokang Information Network" that supports the Kokang Allied forces on Monday (November 13), the Jianga Allied Forces have occupied at least 170 Myanmar government bases.

Analysis of the Southern Character Weekly pointed out that the Burmese base on the Old Street of the Cither Capital Capital has basically been cleared. Once the Katrong Allied Forces successfully recapture the control of the old street, then this battle can basically be possiblePromote victory.

China's official attitude is currently conveyed by the absence of war.On the day of the outbreak of military conflicts in northern Myanmar (October 27), the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs called for a suspension of fire as soon as possible to ensure the safety and stability of the China -Myanmar border.

The Minister of Public Security Wang Xiaohong and the Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs of China, Nongrong, also visited Myanmar. Wang Xiaohong met with Min Angle, the top leader of the Myanmar military government on October 31 to hold the peace and peace of China and Myanmar.talks.

Chinese Minister of Public Security Wang Xiaohong (left)On October 31, in Neidu, the capital of Myanmar, he met with the highest leader of the Myanmar military government, Min Anglai.(Agence France -Presse)

However, Chinese netizens applauded more about the actions of the Kokang Allied forces, saying that "it can be used to destroy electrical scams and revenge snow hate."

BBC Chinese website reported in Bangkok, Thailand, analyzed that China was originally a contributing force for conflicts in northern Myanmar, but this time it did not stop the operation from being advanced near its border, perhaps because of Beijing because of Beijing.It was disappointed with the inaction of the Burmese military government's inaction in the flood of electrical scams, while armed militia claimed that one of their goals was to sweep the electrical fraud park.

Behind the anti -electrical fraud

Although he was in the name of "Clear Electric Fraud Group", in factEarlier than electricity.

Peng Jiasheng, known as the "Kings Kings", was founded in 1989.In 2009, Bai Cheng jointly launched a coup to drive Peng Jiasheng out of the jealous area.

And in 2000 to issue a ban on the smoke farmers,But after he was kicked out of chief, drugs flooded again.(Internet)

Peng Jiasheng organized more than 1,000 people to launch a counterattack in 2014 to try to retrieve the courage, but it did not succeed.After Peng Jiasheng died last year, the Koko Allied forces were led by his eldest son Peng Deren, but it was difficult to grow due to lack of bases.

Although the coverage is only 2,000 square kilometers, and the resident population is only 140,000, it is a must -have place for all parties.

For the Kokang Allied forces, it is a base that must be recaptured.For the four major families, the black and white industries of the two generations cannot be easily abandoned.For the Myanmar military government, this is the first Special Economic Zone of the Pang State that needs to be kept.

After regaining the old street

How does the war situation in the towering area also affect China.If the Koko Alliance can regain the old street and bring it off to northern Myanmar, it is indeed a good thing for China.But China needs to consider more than that.

China must first consider the disposal of fraudulent personnel.Electricity park personnel are complicated. In addition to electrical fraud, they are more personnel engaged in electrical fraud on the front line.Some of them are sold to Myanmar, and they are also seduced by high salaries. How to convict these people is a problem.

The Ministry of Public Security of China (November 13) released telecommunications network fraud and its joint punishment for criminal punishment (draft for comments), and began to publicly solicit opinions on the society.

After the Kokang Alliance recaptes the Kokang, how to develop China -Myanmar relations is also a problem facing the Chinese government.The pretty relationship between the Kokang and China, the hostile relationship between the Koko Allied and the Myanmar military government will test how the Chinese government is balanced between the two.

The French World Newspaper Southeast Asian correspondent posted on Monday that the Kokang Allied forces launched an offense is the indirect result of China's anti -fraud operation.The regional conflict plays the "ambiguous character".

The picture shows October 28 from fromMissile launched by military bases in northern Myanmar.(Agence France -Presse)

In addition, Myanmar is also a ring of the "Belt and Road" project in China. The Sino -Myanmar Economic Corridor is 1,700 kilometers, especially the China -Myanmar oil and gas pipelines are related to China's energy safety.The turbulent situation in Myanmar will inevitably bring challenges to the construction and operation of Chinese projects.

Electric scams are widely distributed in Southeast Asia, bringing out one place in Myanmar. There are still electrical fraud in Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, and the Philippines.Especially families like the Wei family in northern Myanmar have established a new electric scam park in Thailand and Cambodia. Cutting off a place cannot cut grass and remove the roots.

However, from the official data, there were 460,000 electrical fraud cases cracked by Chinese public security organs last year, of which 60%occurred in northern Myanmar.Can curb the rise of China's electrical fraud cases.However, the evil of human nature is always difficult to eradicate. The siege of Chinese and the world's siege of fraud will be a non -stop long -lasting battle.