The 4885 birth certificate of the Shangqiu Women's Child Health Hospital in Henan Province, China, has been sentenced to eight years in prison.

According to the top news on Tuesday (November 14), the Liangyuan District People's Court of Shangqiu City in February this year, Li Mouying, the head of the Department of Health Care Department of the Maternal and Child Health Hospital of Shangqiu City, was sentenced to eight years in prison.Chang Cao Moulian and Ding Mouling were sentenced to four years in prison.

After the first trial, the defendants Cao Moulian and Ding Mouling appealed.The second trial ruling of the Shangqiu Intermediate People's Court will maintain the first trial of the case in accordance with the law.

Yang Guangwang reported in 2021 that some detrorring volunteers posted on the social platform that in 2011, there were 2,885 birth medical certificates in Shangqiu City, Henan Province,In 2012, the hospital found that a 2,000 birth certificate was stolen, totaling 4,885.

According to the surging news in December last year, the personnel handling staff of Shangqiu City, the case of the case of the case of the case, has been detected, and 13 people involved have been filed for investigation. Among themPeople have been arrested and prosecuted to the local court.

The personnel handling staff said that the public security organs contacted all the children who had entered the household with the birth permit to the households. After the DNA comparison, no child was found.However, among this group of children who entered the household with a lost birth permit, some children were unable to raise and abandon them because of their poor family and many children in their families.

The case handler said that after investigation, the abandoned and sold children involved 16 provincial and municipal autonomous regions."In terms of buying and selling the population, a total of eight criminal suspects have been dealt with."

Hubei, Guangdong, Guangdong, and Guangxi have also been exposed to selling birth certificates in the past week.

In China, the birth certificate is the main medical basis for newborn household registration.The new version of the birth medical certificate of China in 2013 stipulates that the newborns who cannot verify the information of the newborn mothers cannot obtain a certificate of birth.

Once the birth certificate can be obtained through forgery or illegal handling, it means that the real life of the newborn may be erased, and the sale and illegal adoption can also escape legal sanctions.