Li Zhaora, Vice Chairman of the National Federation of Industry and Commerce and chairman of the China Private Economic Research Association, said that China's state -owned economy is relatively stable, but the main vitality and potential of China's economy in the future will be private enterprises.

Li Zhao said on Friday (November 10) at the Caixin Summit's "solve the global problems" that the market development is fast, slow, and ambiguity.It is expected to enhance the determination.

According to, Li Zhaoqian said, "From the perspective of economic and social development in China in recent years, the state -owned economy is relatively stable. In the future, I think the vitality and potential of the Chinese economy are mainly private enterprises.. "

Li Zhaqian said that the history of 45 years of reform and opening up has proved that without the innovation of the CCP's private economic theory, there is no today's private economy, but the society in the society only distortThe spread of views affects the confidence of entrepreneurs.

He said that in order to solve this problem, the theoretical needs continuous innovation, and clearly answering the necessity, inevitability, and long -term series of the existence of private economy, private capital, and private entrepreneurs, so that entrepreneurs can feel at ease with peace of mindEntrepreneurship, rest assured.