The land that the Shanghai Lujiazui Company said many years ago was "toxic land" and asked the seller to compensate.It has been reminded that the risk of soil pollution, the buyer promised to accept the "all current status, flaws and risks at the time."

Su Gang's statement also said that Lujiazui was in the case of knowing pollution and not renovating the land.The project construction is still started.

Shanghai Lujiazui Financial Trade Zone Development Co., Ltd. announced last Saturday (November 4) to sue Jiangsu Sugang Group Co., Ltd. and Suzhou Institute of Environmental Sciences.During the adjustment and transfer process, the defendant had a series of illegal, fraud and negligence, requiring compensation for compensation of 1,444 million yuan (RMB, Same as the same, S $ 1.87 billion).

The reason was that Lujiazui won 95%of the Suzhou Green Bank equity of 8.525 billion yuan at the premium of 8.525 billion yuan in 2016, and obtained 17 land use rights.Lujiazui said that in 2022, it was discovered that 14 land in 17 land had serious pollution, and related development projects had to be suspended.

In this regard, the land transfer Fang Su Gang Group issued a statement on Friday morning, saying that when the equity was transferred in 2016, it had truthfully disclosed the results of the third -party professional institutions on the survey of part of the pollution in the land of the green coast of Suzhou.The full text of the report, and in the asset evaluation report, it clearly reminds that some plots in this range were originally steel coking production areas, and there may be soil pollution risks.

Su Gang Group said that the joint body composed of a company under Lujiazui, after knowing the previous situation and promising to accept all current status, flaws and risks, 95%of the equity and equity of the green bank company transferred by Su Gang transferred to the green bank company and the green bank company's equity and the equity of the green bank company and the shares of the green bank company.Debt.

In response to the "poisonous land" statement, Su Gang claimed that in 2022, Lujiazui agreed with Su Gang's third -party professional institution Nanjing Huanke to conduct a detailed investigation of land pollution.

Relevant results show that: No. 14, 15 of residents, plots 14, 9, 9, 12, 13, 16, and unsmoumed constructionThe plot is a safe use of the plot; the No. 10 plot of No. 10, No. 10, No. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 10 of the Iron Coking Area can be used safely after being restored.

Among them, there are already projects with project development. Su Gang claimed that in 2019, the consortium knows that the plot 2 does not meet the environmental requirements and did not complete the soil of Lot 2 in accordance with the law.The pollution investigation and restoration governance, that is, the construction of the land project was started.In 2021, it was not unable to use it because of the inability to pass the EIA inspection.In this regard, the ecological environment department has punished its illegal acts in accordance with the law.

At the same time, Su Gang Group pointed out that during the development and construction of Suzhou green coast land, Lujiazui did not build groundwater resistance walls and other protective measures in accordance with relevant requirements.The behavior of behavior and construction operations cause secondary pollution.

Su Gang claimed that the current related disputes have been filed by the people's court and are actively responding to the lawsuit.

People familiar with the matter: Disputes caused by real estate downturn

Lujiazui and Su Gang belong to state -owned enterprises. This dispute has attracted widespread attention.A person close to the transaction told Tencent News, "In the final analysis, it is due to the dispute caused by real estate downturn."

It is highly optimistic about the future market. However, due to the decline in the real estate market in recent years, the average sales price of residential houses in the surrounding areas is only about 20,000 yuan per square meter.After the opening of Lugan Company in 2021, the sales were very bleak, and Lujiazui encountered Waterloo.

According to the Daily of the rule of law, relevant persons of the Suzhou High -tech Zone Government said, "The land pollution is actually not as serious as media reports. In essence"Litigation"