On the day of the opening of the Expo this year, I asked the Singaporean merchant who came to China for the first time. What was the biggest challenge encountered during the exhibition.The other party thought about it: "It's quite smooth ... is the traffic control today, and I will enter the field for a long time."

Faced with the same question, the company participating last year gave a thrilling answer: Because the staff who stayed in Shanghai in Shanghai were infected with crown disease, all representatives of the company were forced to accept the second isolation and almost couldn't catch up with the exhibition.

Not to mention the exhibitors who came in from abroad, even me who stayed in Shanghai himself was almost unable to enter the venue last year because of strict epidemic prevention regulations.At that time, the epidemics in various parts of China were four. Those who passed the risk of the epidemic in the exhibition area were banned from participating in the risk of the epidemic.When everyone enters the field every day, they must hold a 24 -hour kernel test negative proof, and we must wear N95 masks throughout the field.

One year later, all control measures no longer exist, and international flights have gradually recovered.After three years of deserted expo, I finally felt the atmosphere that this large international exhibition should have: the venue was bustling, and the activity area was lively. The booth was no longer only the Chinese employees who were hired to the platform temporarily.Different and different languages ​​with different languages.

This year, more than 3,400 exhibitors and 394,000 professional audiences signed up to participate in the Expo.According to Chinese officials, exhibitors and professional audiences have registered to fully return to the level before the epidemic.

Even the United States and Australia, which have tight relations with China before, have specially won the Expo this year.The United States has sent the largest and highest specifications for exhibitors, covering the fields of agriculture, semiconductors, and medical devices.The Australian side has not only more than 250 companies participating in the exhibition. The Prime Minister Albanis also attended the opening ceremony of the Expo. After becoming a French President Macron in 2019, the second is the leader of Western countries in the Expo platform.

Is this exhibition that has been fully reached after three years, is it really as the official said, and has returned to the grand occasion before the epidemic?

Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang disclosed at the opening ceremony of this Expo that the cumulative intended turnover reached in the past five sessions has been nearly $ 350 billion (S $ 474.9 billion).According to official data, except for the except of the Expo's intention, except for the decline in 2021, the remaining three years have continued to grow.However, this is completely opposite to the feelings of some participating companies.

A survey of the Chinese EU Chamber of Commerce last month showed that only 24 % of members exhibitors reached a transaction through the Expo last year, which was far lower than 50 % in 2018.The exhibitors interviewed believed that their symbolic significance as one of the biggest highlights of the Expo was far greater than the actual results brought about.

The EU Chamber of Commerce has repeatedly urged China to redeem the open commitments during the Expo in the past few years. This year, it is full of firepower.Political show.

The Expo was founded in 2018, which was founded in the Sino -US trade war. It aims to declare China's determination to expand market opening and contrast the United States' unilateralism.In the opening ceremony this year, Li Qiang once again made a commitment to expand import, relax market access, and protect foreign investment rights, and other commitments to further increase openness and cooperation.The difficulty of commitment.

Over the past three years, epidemic prevention control and industry rectification have caused great injuries in China's private economy. In 2022, economic growth has also fallen into a dilemma that has not been able to meet the standard for many years.Although the market is generally expected that the Chinese economy will achieve a growth goal of about 5 % this year, until the last two months of this year, the world's second largest economy still faces many uncertain factors.

The import and export and inflation data released by China this week shows that China's export volume has declined for the sixth consecutive month, and the The decline is further expanded in October .Although imports ended the seven consecutive declines in October, the consumer price index (CPI) fell again, showing that the trend of domestic demand recovery was still unstable.Under the environment of weakness in the property market, continuing confidence, and high confidence in local governments, can the Chinese market show the strength of "buying global"?

On the other hand, with the rise in geopolitical tension, especially the opposition between China and the United States has intensified, China's decision -making level attaches great importance to national security.Whether it is the continuous tightening data control, the revised version of the anti -spy method, or the assault inspection of many foreign companies, it has made foreign companies in China.

On the eve of the opening of the Expo, Vanguard Group Group (Vanguard Group) and the consultant company Gallopp (Gallup) has been revealed to be withdrawn from China because of its weak economic prospects and increasing regulatory review of foreign companies.Citri, a corporate software brand Citri, also announced that it will stop business in China this week to become the latest American company that has withdrawn from the Chinese market.

As the main growth momentum of the Chinese economy has gradually shifted from exports and investment to consumption, it expands domestic demand through the Expo. It is a win -win situation for foreign companies and Chinese markets.However, the uncertainty of this huge market in terms of economic and policies cannot be ignored as its volume.The question and controversy facing the Expo are reflecting the challenges of the future development of the Chinese market.

Whether it is an expo or the Chinese market, it is difficult to return to the scene before the epidemic.But after a lapse of three years, more foreign merchants can freely enter this national exhibition site, at least a good start.Next, it depends on the new situation after the epidemic. How China is balanced in economic and political considerations to ensure that the door to ensure that the market is open can really "get bigger and bigger."