Tencent News Popularized Author Liu Peng

Lujiazui (600663.SH), a listed company under the Shanghai Pudong State -owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, won 17 land after 222 rounds of quotation 7 years ago.Sky price litigation has pushed the dispute over the years to the cusp of public opinion.

According to the information disclosed by Lujiazui, the land and soil and groundwater involved in the land project involved were suspected to have a large excess of many elements.等 (carcinogen) and other exceptions.

The defendant is Jiangsu Sugang Group Co., Ltd. (Su Gang Group), Suzhou Environmental Science Research Institute, Suzhou Sucheng Environmental Technology Co., Ltd., Suzhou National High -tech Industrial Development Zone Management Committee, Suzhou Natural ResourcesAnd Planning Bureau.

Su Gang Group: Lujiazui knows the situation completely

In the early morning of November 10, the land transfer Fang Su Gang Group issued a statement saying that when the equity was transferred in 2016, the full text of the third -party professional institutions on the name of the land in the green coast of Suzhou in the green coast of Suzhou was revealed.In the asset evaluation report, it clearly reminded that some of the plots in this range were originally steel coking production areas, and there may be soil pollution risks.

Su Gang Group said that the combined body of the company's company, after knowing the previous situation and promising to accept all current status, flaws and risks, after 222 rounds of cards, defeating Baoneng at a high price of 8.53 billion yuan, and it was taken to shoot.95%of the equity and creditor's rights of Ludan Company Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. ("Green Bank Company") transferred by Su Gang.

Regarding the testing of the plot, Su Gang said that in 2022, the joint body and Su Gang unanimously agreed that the third -party professional institution of Nanjing Huanke, which was entrusted to conduct a detailed investigation of the land pollution.Relevant results show that: No. 14, No. 14, No. 14, No. 14, 9, 12, 13, 16, which have been developed, and unsmodsed construction of No. 7, 11, and 17, which are developed.Land; coking zone 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and No. 10 plot 10 (of which only plot 2 has been developed and constructed) can be used safely after treatment and restoration.

On the most watched Lot 2, Su Gang Group stated that in 2019, the consortium knows that the Lot 2 does not meet environmental requirements and has not completed the investigation and restoration governance of Lot 2 in accordance with the law.That is, the construction of the land project was started.In 2021, it was not unable to use it because of the inability to pass the EIA inspection.In this regard, the ecological environment department has punished its illegal acts in accordance with the law.At the same time, Su Gang Group pointed out that during the development and construction of Suzhou Green Bank plots, the United Sports did not build groundwater resistance walls and other protective measures in accordance with relevant requirements.Specifications that cause secondary pollution.

222 rounds of cards, real estate downturn sales

"In the final analysis, it is due to the dispute caused by real estate downturn." A person familiar with the matter of the transaction revealed to Tencent News that he said that 95%of the equity and creditor's rights of the green bank company 7 years ago were transferred 7 years ago.The 17 land of Su Gang's old factory area under the name, the listing evaluation value of only 3.05 billion yuan, but Lujiazui passed 222 cards, and finally defeated Baopeng at a high price of 8.53 billion yuan.Development and construction are profitable.

This person revealed that the boldness of Lujiazui may be based on its high optimism of the future market. It is estimated that the price of the residential house in 2016 can reach 55,000 yuan/square meter in 2023. However, due to in recent years, it is well known in recent years.The real estate market has declined. At present, the average sales price of residential houses in the surrounding areas is only about 20,000 yuan/square meter.After the opening of Lugan Company in 2021, the sales were very bleak, and Lujiazui encountered Waterloo.

In addition, according to the Rule of Law Daily, relevant persons of the Suzhou High -tech Zone Government stated that "the land pollution is actually not as serious as media reports. In essence, it is still caused by the chain commercial disputes caused by the downturn in the real estate market. The government will actively respond to this.Litigation "