On May 6th, Lei Haichao, the official website of the National Health and Health Commission, has been appointed as the secretary of the party group of the National Health and Health Commission.

Public information shows that Lei Haichao, born in April 1968, was from Texas, Shandong Province. He joined the party in March 1996 and joined the work in July 1991. He graduated from Shanghai Medical University Social Medicine and Health Management.Dr., Deputy Chief Physician.

Lei Haichao has been the deputy director and director of the Policy and Regulations Department of the Ministry of Health, deputy director of the Beijing Municipal Health Bureau, a member of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the Beijing Municipal Health and Family Planning Commission, and the party secretary and director of the Beijing Municipal Health and Family Planning Commission.After the institutional reform, Lei Haichao served as the secretary of the party committee and director of the Beijing Municipal Health and Health Committee in November 2018.

In November 2020, Lei Haichao's Deputy Director of the National Health and Health Commission and members of the party group were responsible for the work of grass -roots sanitation, health emergency, food safety standards and monitoring and evaluation, in charge of the Department of Health and Health and Health Emergency Office (Emergency public health event emergency command center), food safety standards and monitoring and appraisal, and national food safety risk assessment center.

Earlier, the director of the National Health and Health Commission and the party secretary of the party group were Ma Xiaowei, who was born in the 20th Central Committee and was born in December 1959.