(New Delhi Comprehensive News) Xu Feihong, assistant to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of China, said that he will serve as the Chinese ambassador to India to fill the position that has been suspended for nearly 18 months.

The Indian Stan Times on Thursday (May 2) quoted sources that Xu Feihong may be in India's June Election took office before, and may be new in mid -month.

Reported that neither China and India made any formal statements on the matter.

The Sing Tao Daily, Hong Kong, reported that Xu Feihong had been removed from the position of foreign ministers from the Chinese State Council at the end of last year and was prepared to make the envoy India and was promoted to the deputy ministerial level, but it was unable to take office for various reasons.

In January this year, the Indian Times also reported that Xu Feihong's ambassador's appointment was finalized at the time, but he did not determine his time.

Flowing diplomatic experience but non -Indian Link

Public information shows that Xu Feihong is 60 years old. He was the deputy director of the European Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Chinese ambassador to Afghanistan, the Chinese ambassador to Romania, the director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the service center of the foreign institution: //www.zaobao.com.sg/special/report/politic/cnpol/story20210220-1125420 "rel = nofollow target = _blank> as a foreign minister assistant in 2021.According to Indian media, Xu Feihong has rich diplomatic experience but is not considered Indian Tong.

The WeChat public account of the Chinese Embassy in India issued a speech on October 25, 2022 Ambassador Sun Weidong's remarks. Since then, the position of the Chinese ambassador to India has been hanging.vacancy.

Four -year border disturbances have not stopped

Since 2020, the China -India army has conflicts many times on the border. The two sides have mobilized a large number of soldiers, artillery, missiles and fighters.Trouble did not stop.

According to the website of the CPC Central Committee's Foreign Liaison Department, Liu Jianchao, Minister of the CPC Central Committee of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, said on January 24 this year to meet the Indian Ambassador to China Luo Guodong.The environment is also conducive to peace and stability and development of the world and regions.

Indian Foreign Minister Su Jiesheng said in March this year that to develop the relationship between the two countries.