The leadership of the National Health and Health Commission of China has changed.Lei Haichao, deputy director of the health committee and deputy secretary of the party group, has been promoted to the party secretary of the party group, while Ma Xiaowei, director of the Health and Health Commission, did not have the "Committee Leadership" column of the official website of the National Health Commission.

According to the "Committee Leadership" section of the official website of the Health and Health Commission, Lei Haichao served as the secretary of the party group of the National Health and Health Committee.There are currently five deputy directors of the Health Commission, namely Zeng Yixin, Wang Hesheng, Li Bin, Cao Xuetao, and Yu Xuejun.

The official website of the Health and Health Commission also showed that Ma Xiaowei delivered a video speech at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Member State Health Minister's Meeting on March 14 this year as the director of the National Health and Health Commission.

Public information shows that Lei Haichao is 56 years old. He has been the deputy director of the Beijing Municipal Health Bureau, a member of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the Beijing Municipal Health and Family Planning Commission, and the party secretary and director of the Beijing Municipal Health and Family Planning Commission.After the institutional reform, Lei Haichao served as the secretary of the party committee and director of the Beijing Municipal Health and Health Committee in November 2018.

Lei Haichao's deputy director and member of the party group of the National Health and Health Commission in 2020, responsible for the work of grassroots hygiene, sanitary emergency, food safety standards and monitoring and evaluation, in charge of the Department of Health and Health and Health Emergency Office(Emergency command center for public health events), food safety standards and monitoring and evaluation centers, and national food safety risk assessment centers.

In September of last year, information on the official website of the National Health and Health Commission showed that Lei Haichao was already the deputy director of the National Health and Health Commission and deputy secretary of the party group.

According to the surging news report, before, Ma Xiaowei, director of the National Health and Health Commission and secretary of the party group of the Chinese National Health and Health Commission.