The Chinese Ministry of Justice has continued to fluctuate in the past month. Following the beginning of April, the former Minister of Justice Tang Yijun fell off in early April, the former deputy minister Liu Zhiqiang, who has retired for nearly a year, was also notified to be dismissed on Tuesday (April 30).The central management cadres who were investigated this year rose to the 23rd person, and the total number of cadres who had been investigated last year had been nearly half of the first four months.

The scholars interviewed and judged that the Chinese official started the third round of inspections of the Central Committee in April this year.The total number of cadres in the middle management cadres will write a new high.

The CPC Central Committee Disciplinary Inspection Commission released the news of Liu Zhiqiang's dismissal on Tuesday. He became the seventh place in April this year.

Public information shows that Liu Zhiqiang, 60, is a native of Tancheng, Shandong. He graduated from the English Department of English Department of International Political College. Like the former Judicial Minister Fu Zhenghua , Liu Zhiqiang has gone through two public security and judicial two.Systems have worked in the Ministry of Public Security for nearly 30 years.

Liu Zhiqiang joined the Foreign Affairs Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security in 1984, starting from cadres, from the official to the director in 2004; in 2005, he served as the director of the International Cooperation Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security.

In June 2012, he settled in the place of air and replaced He Ting, who had been to Chongqing as the deputy mayor and the public security director, as the deputy governor of Qinghai and the head of the Provincial Public Security Department.He Ting was dismissed in June 2017 and was expelled from the Communist Party of China and was dismissed in October.

Before Liu Zhiqiang's dismissal, several colleagues and subordinates who had worked with him in the political and legal system of Qinghai had been investigated, including Bai Shide, Lu Yuanqing and Ren San Dou, who had served as the deputy director of the provincial public security;Captain Wang Fuhai, Zhao Chengmin, the deputy chief of the chiefs.

Liu Zhiqiang was transferred back to Beijing in January 2016, served as Deputy Attorney General, and retired from June last year.

During his tenure as Deputy Attorney General, Liu Zhiqiang successively went through five judicial ministers. Among them, Wu Aiying, Fu Zhenghua, and Tang Yijun three bosss successively dismissed.

Tang Renwu, Dean of the Government Management Research Institute of Beijing Normal University, was analyzed in an interview with the United Morning Post that the judicial system was considered by the outside world as "Shimizu Men" in the past and did not master financial resources.However, the three former judicial ministers have been dismissed, indicating that "the clean water yamen is not clear." Some departmental leaders may involve the use of the power in their hands to seek benefits for others in the judicial qualification certificate test, accept bribes, and may even reduce the prisoners in prison.

, was revoked on Monday (29th) to be eligible for the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and became the seventh place to be disqualified from members of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

According to, the main economic problems of Tang Yijun occurred during the period of Ningbo and Liaoning in Zhejiang, Zhejiang.He has served as the governor of Liaoning for two and a half years. Evergrande Group not only invests in real estate projects in Liaoning, but Tang and help Evergrande owner Xu Jiayin win the controlling stake in Shengjing Bank, but also lacks supervision, which led to Shengjing's blood transfusion to EvergrandeYuan RMB (about S $ 18.8 billion), leaving bad debts.

On the other hand, public information shows that is the most year since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2012.In the first four months of this year, as many as 23 middle management cadres have been investigated.

Tang Renwu pointed out that the number of cadres in the investigated cadres has continued to rise since last year. Due to the continuous expansion of the CCP's anti -corruption surface, a large number of retired central management cadres have been dismissed, including the first and second leaders of the CPPCC of the CPPCC, which have been out of office for several years.

Chinese official announced on April 8th that the third round of inspection objects in the 20th Central Committee will carry out regular inspections of 34 units, involving financial, energy, food and other fields, including 17 financial units.15 inspection teams have completed the settlement on April 17.

Tang Renwu expects that more new corruption cases may be found in the inspection work. In addition, the Communist Party of China will start four -month party discipline education and education in April. It is expected that more "tigers" will be investigated.The total number of middle management cadres who have been investigated throughout the year may reach more than 50 people.