Reporter Lu Bingyang, reporter from our newspaper

Wang Lijuan, the former deputy director of the Beijing Railway Bureau and the party committee secretary and webmaster of the Beijing Railway Station, is suspected of serious disciplinary violations. It is currently accepting the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team of the National Commission for Discipline Inspection and China Railway Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "National Railway Group") disciplinary inspection and supervision teamDisciplinary review and Shanxi Provincial Supervision Committee Supervision and Investigation.Recently, the Central Discipline Inspection Commission's disciplinary inspection and supervision team in the National Railway Group and the Shanxi Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection issued the above news.

China Railway Beijing Bureau Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "Beijing Railway Bureau") several people revealed to the China Business News reporter that Wang Lijuan is not only an old railway person, but also a railway child.

Wang Lijuan was born in 1956. Her father Wang Moumou is an old railwayman.In his early years, his father had served as the Houmoma section of the Linfen Railway Branch of the Taiyuan Railway Bureau. After the Taiyuan Railway Bureau was placed at the Beijing Railway Bureau in 1984, his father was promoted to the Minister of the Linfen Railway Branch of the Beijing Railway Bureau and the Director of the Tianjin Railway Branch.

The above -mentioned people from the Beijing Railway Bureau revealed to reporters that after Wang Lijuan participated in the railway work, he first worked as a passenger passenger at the Tianjin Station of the Beijing Railway Bureau, and then transferred to the Beijing Station Personnel Room. Due to his father's background, Wang Lijuan arrived at Beijing Station.The promotion was quickly promoted. From the personnel room to the deputy director, director of the ticket workshop, and finally became the deputy head of Beijing Station.

Many insiders of the railway told reporters that after Wang Lijuan served as the deputy webmaster of Beijing Station, because his speech in public in public was in line with Liu Zhijun's ideas of the year, he could also strictly follow Liu Zhijun's requirements for work.Appreciation.Subsequently, Wang Lijuan served as the head of the Beijing website and became the first female webmaster in the history of this century -old historical station.

In 2007, Wang Lijuan was 51 years old.Levels can not only stay on the front line, but also go further on the career.

The above -mentioned people from the Beijing Railway Bureau told a reporter from China Business Daily that at that time, although Wang Lijuan became the deputy director of the Beijing Railway Bureau, he basically did not participate in the daily work of the leadership team of the Railway Bureau.He revealed to the reporter that Wang Lijuan's usually focused work is still at Beijing Station, and few people also arrived at the road bureau agencies, but they sat at the deputy director's position at the Beijing Railway Bureau at the beginning of each year.

A person in the Beijing Railway Bureau who has been in contact with Wang Lijuan told reporters that Wang Lijuan started from the railway's most grass -roots passenger transporter and went up the way.Indeed, there is the identity factors of their children's children, and the "care" and "help" of some railway system leaders, but should also admit that this is inseparable from Wang Lijuan's work attitude towards work and dare to be responsible.

"Wang Lijuan was once Liu Zhijun's" seat guest ", and it was also the secret of the Beijing Railway Bureau's system." Said the Beijing Railway Bureau.

The above -mentioned persons also said that Wang Lijuan was investigated this time, or Wang Yong, deputy general manager of Beijing -Shanghai high -speed railway Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Beijing -Shanghai High Speed ​​Rail" (hereinafter referred to as the "Beijing -Shanghai High Speed ​​Rail" (hereinafter referred to as the "Beijing -Shanghai High Speed ​​Rail".

Wang Yong is the director of the station office of Wang Lijuan when Wang Lijuan was the webmaster at Beijing Station."In 2017, 41 -year -old Wang Yong arrived at the position of deputy general manager of the Beijing Railway Bureau." Said the Beijing Railway Bureau.

Many people from railway systems say: "Wang Yong served as the deputy general manager of the road bureau as soon as he was 40 years old. Such a young road bureau executives were rare on the entire road, and the improvement in the railway system was very fast."

Public information shows that Wang Yong was born in November 1976. He has a master's degree in engineering. He used to be the acting director and director of the Beijing Branch of the Beijing Branch of the Beijing Railway.Beijing South Railway Station Webmaster, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Beijing Railway Bureau, Beijing Web Web Department, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Deputy Director of the Beijing Railway Bureau, member of the Party Committee, Director and Deputy General Manager of the Party Committee of the China Railway Beijing Bureau Group Co., Ltd.

It can be seen from Wang Yong's resume that he has almost coincided with Wang Lijuan's promotion experience and has a lot of job intersections.

The website released by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection on September 5, 2023, Wang Yong is currently accepting discipline review and investigation by the Central Discipline Inspection Commission's disciplinary inspection and supervision team in the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group of the National Railway Group and the Shanxi Provincial Supervision Committee.On October 31, the Beijing -Shanghai high -speed rail issued an announcement that Wang Yong was taken by Wang Yong's suspicion of serious disciplinary violations to avoid Deputy General Manager Wang Yong's position.At this time, it was only 9 months before Wang Yong's position as the deputy general manager of the Beijing -Shanghai high -speed rail.

In recent years, the Beijing Railway Bureau has become a corrupted area. In addition to Wang Lijuan and Wang Yong, many executives of road bureaus have been investigated.On September 4, 2023, Yang Xucheng, member of the Party Committee and Deputy General Manager of the Beijing Railway Bureau, was suspected of serious disciplinary violations and accepted discipline review and investigation by the Central Discipline Inspection Commission's disciplinary inspection and supervision team in the National Railway Group and the Tianjin Supervision Committee.

On April 8, 2021, Wang Changzhao, deputy general manager of the Beijing Railway Bureau, was suspected of serious disciplinary violations and accepted disciplinary review by the Central Discipline Inspection Commission's disciplinary inspection and supervision team in the National Railway Group and the supervision and investigation of the Tianjin Supervision Committee (see China Business Network for detailsIt was reported on April 9, 2021 that the Deputy President of the Beijing Railway Bureau was investigated 4 executives during the year).

On March 11, 2021, Jing Shiming, a member of the Party Committee and Deputy General Manager of the Beijing Railway Bureau, was suspected of serious disciplinary violations.

At the same time that the multiple executives of the Beijing Railway Bureau were investigated, in recent years, many executives have been promoted to the leadership team of the National Railway Group from the position of the Beijing Bureau.

(Editor: Hao Cheng review: Zhang Rongwang School Division: Zhai Jun)