Two years ago, nucleic acid institutions nuclear genes were notified, and its founder Zhang Nuclei was also hot. Various information that was difficult to distinguish between authenticity and falsehood was circulated on the Internet.

Three people who are the highest associated with nuclear genes: Zhang Yingzi, Ba Ying, and Zhang Shanshan have given many speculations.

It is said that Zhang Ningzi is a second generation, and also said that Baying is the daughter of the academician of the Academy of Engineering, and Zhang Shanshan was rumored to be Zhang Ba's daughter.

The doubts about Zhang Ningzi's life and entrepreneurship were turbulent. In just a few years, the king of nucleic acid, the rapid expansion, was pushed to the public opinion.

A few years have passed, and many of the speculations have been faked, but many people's impression of Zhang Ningzi still seems to stop in the past.

For example, the prefabricated dish fire in the previous two years, and last year, there were rumors that Zhang Nuofei entered the prefabricated dishes, which focused on new opportunities for money.

In our impression, Zhang Nuizi seemed to have disappeared during the most fierce period of the message, and did not openly expand to explain or clarify to the outside world.

Just in March this year, Zhang Nuizi, who had been behind the scenes, finally spoke. He opened his account on multiple social short video platforms, frequently posted videos, and began a rumor.

The first bomb: I did not make prefabricated dishes

Open a seed company

The first rumor of Zhang Nuoyu was the rumors of entering the prefabricated dishes.

He said that the nuclear agricultural company established last year was a seed company that studied functional rice and had nothing to do with prefabricated dishes.

He pointed out that the first project of the new company was to study low sugar rice. After eating this rice, the glycemic index of the human lift will be slow. At present, it is still invested in the research stage.

According to the information of Tianyan, Wuhan Nuclear Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd. was established on May 22, 2023. Members of nuclear genes have 5 million registered capital. The legal representative is Liao Lei.The company is 100 % controlled by Shenzhen Nuclear Genes Technology Co., Ltd., and the actual controller is Zhang Nuzi.

The business scope includes grain planting, agricultural scientific research and experimental development, the production, sales, processing, transportation, and storage of agricultural products, and the initial processing of edible agricultural products.The licensed business project is the main agricultural work seed production.

The second bomb Zhang Shanshan is not his daughter

Is an old colleague of the company

The reason why Zhang Shanshan was concerned was because she served as a supervisor in more than 30 companies associated with nuclear genes.Because of a surname with Zhang Nuizi, many people speculated that Zhang Shanshan was Zhang Nuofi's daughter.

Regarding this rumor, Zhang Ningzi said that this was the most widely disseminated, the longest, and most influential rumors.

He clarified that Zhang Shanshan was not his daughter, but an old colleague of the company.It may be spread because of the last name.

He said that this rumor was puzzled for so long, and no one asked him to verify him.

The third bomb is not a second -generation rural origin and the mother died at the age of 8

Father is a teacher

A widely circulating rumor was that Zhang Nuofei was a descendant of a general, but soon the descendants of the general appeared to rumors.

At that time, Zhang Nuoko was Japanese, in short, there were various rumors.

This time Zhang Nuizi also talked about his family.He said that he was born in rural areas, and his mother died at the age of 8. It was raised by his father who raised three brothers.

His father was a teacher who named Zhang Ningzi, Zhang Electronics, and Zhang atom to the three of his brothers. He wanted to train his sons as college students and be scientists in the future.Zhang Yaizi bluntly said from childhood to large, and he was not laughing because of his name.

The fourth bomb

Entrepreneurship has earned more than 1 million in 8 years since the diligence of work.

In 1990, Zhang Ningzi was admitted to China Medical University.

Zhang Yaizi said that his entrepreneurship started with the diligence of work in college. Because the family conditions were not good, the living expenses were very difficult, and he could only find a way to make money.

At that time, the most viable way for diligence and thrift was to teach.

Entrepreneurship has earned more than 1 million in 8 years since I started a work -study study. < /P>

He pointed out that the tutor was 4 yuan an hour at that time, and he could earn more than 100 yuan a month.Later, many people asked him to do tutoring, so he slowly taught from a single person to a number of people. More and more students were tuned. He couldn't come to college students to work hard and study together.

It looks a bit like the story of Yu Minhong.

He graduated from a freshman to a graduate student and has been tutoring for 8 consecutive years. The total income has reached more than 1 million. This is the first bucket of gold in his life.

At that time he was only 25 years old.

The first bucket of gold in the fifth bomber

Is it depending on selling villas

Zhang Yaizi said that his dream was the genetic industry, but he chose the route to save the country.

He believes that the gene industry was still in the early days, and R & D investment required a lot of funds.So he chose to go to the real estate industry for gold, so he chose a sub -segment of the real estate industry MDASH; mdash; villa decoration.

In 2011, he felt the opportunity came.At that time, he made multiple villas by the decoration industry, and sold the villa to the genetic industry to start a business.

He described his first set of villas he sold in Beijing, bought 5 million, and last 16 million sold.Later, he sold the villas in other cities in other cities. He made up the first funds and established a genetic laboratory nationwide to engage in research and development.

However, Zhang Nuofi's gene dream has not been realized.After three years of special period, the huge demand of nucleic acid detection at that time allowed nuclear genes to expand rapidly, and even Zhang nucleus had the idea of ​​IPO.

However, with the past in the special period, the nucleic acid detection market disappears, and a series of negative news, nuclear genes have been beaten back to the original shape.

At that time, all the fuses of the fuses were questioning the counterfeiting nucleic acid nucleic acid.

Sixth Bomb

Zhang nucleus said that there is never nucleic acid fraud

In November 2022, the abnormal incident of the test results of the Lanzhou nucleic acid test pushed the nuclear gene to the forefront.

Simply put, the staff of the nuclear gene upload the results of the nucleic acid detection error, and the information of the detection of abnormal personnel is entered into the list of negative personnel.

It was also from this incident that netizens found that nuclear genes actually had so many nucleic acid machines across the country.The structure, and the nuclear gene has been punished more than once.

As a result, the outside world's guessing and doubts about nuclear genes began to fly, and Zhang Nuofei was pushed up to public opinion.

As for the doubts of nucleic acid fraud at that time, Zhang nucleus once again rumored in the video.

He explained that there was never nucleic acid fraud, and the fraud of nucleic acid had to bear legal responsibility.At that time, the employees filled the statistics wrong. In fact, the positive personnel were often isolated, and later corrected them in time.

Zhang Yaizi said that he was a job that was all day and night, and he could understand that employees had such mistakes, but did not deny the responsibility of management.

7th bomb

Zhang Nuofei talks about entrepreneurial air outlets

In the latest videos, Zhang Yaizi did not rumor.Instead, I shared their views on the entrepreneurial air outlet and opened a topic of the top ten entrepreneurial air outlets.

Zhang Ningzi talks about entrepreneurial air outlets

The first outlet he mentioned was the rural agricultural economy.Such as prefabricated dishes and rough processing, agricultural live broadcast, and rural construction of agricultural products.

The second air outlet is the supporting facilities of electric vehicles. Simply put, it is maintenance, charging piles, sales, car washing, etc.

The third outlet he gives AI.In fact, he said that it is a segmentation application in a large model, such as derivative services such as AI doctors diagnosis.He believes that AI will produce a variety of services and entrepreneurial opportunities like the Internet.

Generally speaking, several of the air outlets he mentioned are actually very hot, and it is not new to entrepreneurs.

Perhaps after the rumor, Zhang Nuizi really wanted to change the public's impression of him.

In a few videos that have nothing to do with rumors, he shared the food of his hometown, high school alma mater, company group building, as well as home to worship his ancestors, as well as videos he donated money from his hometown school.

After watching all his videos, the impression of people is an entrepreneur who strives to change his destiny, has a big dream, and has legendary entrepreneurial experience.

Some people may say that Zhang Ningzi is to whitewash.

In this regard, Zhang Yaizi answered this: I was very white and was discredited. I had to wash it, but the discredit was really a bit thick. I estimate that washing it a few times was not to wash it, and it might cost some water.