(Hong Kong / Beijing Composite Television) The person familiar with the matter revealed that if the Chinese bytes of Tiktok's parent company use all legal channels, it is still impossible to stop the US government from wanting Tiktok to the owner.For American buyers.

Reuters Thursday (April 25) quoted four sources that the algorithm (Algorithm) that Tiktok's operation relied on is the core of the overall operation of byte beating, so the company is very likely to sell TIKTOK.

Sources said that Tiktok and byte beating other applications such as Douyin sharing core algorithms. "The program that stripped the core algorithm is very complicated, and the byte beating is unlikely to consider this choice."The intellectual property license of this core algorithm is registered in China. Beijing officials amended the law in 2020, stipulating that the export of the core algorithm must be approved by the Chinese government.

Tiktok's recommendation algorithm can calculate the user's browsing preferences and habits, and to promote more similar content to users on this basis is the key to the application of the application.

Although the byte beating is not listed, there is no need to disclose its performance or the financial details of any department, but people familiar with the matter revealed that Tiktok's total revenue and daily active users only occupy a small part of the byte beating.The overall business has limited influence, so in the worst case, byte beating, Ning, can close Tiktok's business in the United States, and is unwilling to sell it to potential American buyers.

Intellectuals added that most of the income of byte beating comes from other applications, such as Chinese vibrato; also, in 2023, the total number of US markets in TIKTOK's total revenue accounted for only about 25%.

Byte beating has not been commenting on the news, but on Thursday evening, it issued a statement on its Chinese media platform "Today's Headline" stated: "Foreign media related byte beating to explore the news of selling TIKTOK is not true, bytes, bytes, bytesThere is no plan to sell tiktok. "

The Information Website of Technology Starting Company The Information reported earlier that the byte beating is exploring the solution to sell Tiktok's US business, but this solution does not include the algorithm for Tiktok to recommend videos for users.

Since passing the Tiktok Act of the Tiktok Act in the United States, from time to time, byte beating talks with many American companies to sell Tiktok's US business.However, on the evening of April 25, the byte beating issued a statement, which refuted the relevant rhetoric.(Take the official website of "Today's Headline" by byte beating)

It is worth noting that if the byte beating finally follows US law and Tiktok's separation relationship, the company may then be sanctioned by Chinese law.

On August 28, 2020, the Ministry of Commerce of China and the Ministry of Science and Technology adjusted China's prohibition of export restrictions on export technology catalogs. Among them, the newly added export technology includes: "Personalized information push service technology based on data analysis", "manual artificially", "manual artificially"Intelligent Interaction Interface Technology ".These information technologies are used by TIKTOK.

In March of this year, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Commerce Shu Jianting stated: "China will resolutely oppose (forced the sale of TIKTOK).The Chinese government will make a decision in accordance with the law "

The Bayeng campaign team is still very active in TIKTOK

The new law involved in the US -involved in TIKTOK is effective on April 24, which means that the byte beating will be sold for TIKTOK within 270 days (about 9 months).The day before, otherwise it will face the national ban in the United States.If Biden confirmed that the sales matters made progress, he could exercise power and extend the time limit for 90 days.

Despite doubt about TIKTOK, in order to attract more voters, Biden's campaign team is still very active on Tiktok.According to statistics, the account has passed the Tiktok bill last Saturday (20th) since the US House of Representatives last Saturday (20th). It has released 20 short videos on TIKTOK for seven consecutive days, with an average view of more than 108,000.