U.S. President Biden signed a bill on Wednesday (April 24), forced the popular short video platform TIKTOK's Chinese parent company byte to be sold in US assets, otherwise Tiktok will face the fate of being blocked across the United States.The following are several situations that may occur in the future.

Start legal war

Tiktok has stated that it will initiate a lawsuit to the US government to defense the freedom of speech that violates the guarantee of the first amendment to the US Constitution.Civil rights advocates and Tiktok users can also sue to stop the bill.

Legal experts believe that the US government must prove in court that national security or other US interests are indeed threatened. It is also necessary to prove that the content of the bill only targets specific problems such as national security, rather than restricting the freedom of people's speech.

Tiktok has achieved many victories in the US court in the past.In 2020, then US President Trump tried to disable Tiktok and WeChat in the United States, and was eventually stopped by federal judges. In November last year, Montana decided to implement the first state banning order in TIKTOK to implement the United States.veto.

Procrastination time

January 19 next year is the last period of selling Tiktok, which is also the day before Bayeng's term expires.Biden is seeking re -election and will be confronted with former President Trump in November of the year.To this end, Tiktok's final fate may depend on the results of the November election.

Tiktok can strive for more time through legal channels. In addition to using the first amendment to make legal challenges, question the effectiveness and rationality of the bill, and can also seek emergency intervention from the US courts.

Try to sell off

Tiktok's US business valuation may exceed $ 100 billion (about S $ 136 billion), and not many companies have the ability to acquire.Those companies with strong financial resources, such as Meta, parent company Meta and Google's parent company Alphabet, may be hindered by anti -competition law.

If no one is acquired, as long as the period is over, Apple (Apple) or Android app stores in the United States will no longer provide TIKTOK, and the byte beating will not be updated.Essence

Exit the US market

If the sale is not completed as scheduled, Tiktok will have to withdraw from the US market, which will cause a significant blow to its business and brand reputation, while affecting its global user group and advertising revenue.In addition, TIKTOK must deal with similar pressure from other countries and regions.