Myanmar official media reported that Myanmar's Minister of the Interior Yami has set off to China and held a security talks with the Chinese Minister of Public Security Wang Xiaohong.

法新社引述缅甸环球新光报(Global New Light of Myanmar)报道,应中国公安部长王小洪的邀请,缅甸内政部长雅毕(Yar Pyae)于星期三(4月24日)前往中国,并将Work visits from Wednesday to next Monday (29th) to discuss law enforcement and security cooperation with China.

Reports have not disclosed more details, but AFP said that in recent months, the relationship between the Myanmar military government and Beijing has cracks cracks due to endless online fraud gangs in Myanmar border.

At the beginning of January this year, Ya Bi and Wang Xiaohong held video calls.Ya Bi showed that he was willing to deepen the law enforcement security cooperation between the two countries and fully maintain the security and stability of the Burma and Central border areas.

Reports pointed out that many of the staff in these fraud dens are citizens of China and other countries who have been abducted, and they are forced to participate in fraud.

China has repeatedly required the Burmese military to crack down on the fraud industry that focuses on northern Langbang.The two countries also jointly conducted actions, tens of thousands of people were arrested and repatriated back to China, including several of them in Myanmar's highly anticipated fraudHead .

However, the US think tank report shows that most fraud groups have transferred to Klunbon on the Byma and Thailand border.