(Washington / Paris Composite Electric) American Palestinian Student Demonstration Wave The Wave Week spread to more colleges and universities, and more than 100 demonstrators were arrested by the police that day.Johnson, Speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States, warned that if the demonstration was unable to curb the demonstrations, the official or sent by the National Guards entered the campus.

In addition, on Wednesday (April 24), the Political University of Paris Paris (Sciences PO), and about 10 tents were set up.The school said that about 60 students gathered that night and asked the school to interrupt the universities and enterprises participating in the extermination of the Gaza race.Most students agreed to leave, but a few insisted on staying, prompting the police to disperse.

The University of Southern California in the United States was forced to close on Wednesday due to a demonstration of demonstrations. As the demonstrators refused to leave, the Los Angeles police went to the University of Southern California that afternoon and detained 93 demonstrators illegally entered the campus.Weapons attacking others was arrested.

Police said no one was injured during the arrest.After the South California, the demonstration has ended, but the campus will continue to be closed until the notice.

Earlier on Wednesday, the demonstrators at the University of Austin at the University of Texas clashed with the town police."These demonstrators should go to jail. In any public college or university in Dezhou, students who are engaged in anti -Jewish protests full of hatred should be fired."

Non -profit organization: Police dispersion behavior will only have anti -effects

Pen America, which is concerned about freedom of speech, shocked the situation of the situation of Texas University suddenly.It said in a statement: "The government should do its best to ensure the normal operation of students' safety and campus, and ask the state police to dispel the peaceful demonstration that has just begun."

Recently, there have been protests that support Gaza Palestinians in many universities in the United States, asking the school to withdraw capital from companies related to Israel.Some universities have shown that students have the right to speak free and peaceful demonstrations, while critics pointed out that these universities encouraged hatred and anti -Jewie.

Johnson's Johnson's visit to Columbia, which first broke out on Wednesday, said: "We cannot allow this hatred and anti -Jewie to prevail on our campus, but to stop it."

Johnson said that if the campus order cannot be resumed quickly, the principal of the Corussean Shafik should resign, and the National Guard should also be dispatched at the time.He also said that he would ask President Biden to take action.

The White House Press Secretary Jean-Pierre stated that Biden believed that the freedom of speech of college campuses was important."We think that people should be able to express their views in a peaceful way. But when this involves hatred and violence, we must also condemn."

Neutana refers to the American campus pro -Pakistan demonstration "terrible"

Israeli Prime Minister Neitatu said on Wednesday that the pro -Pakistan demonstration on the American campus is "terrible".He said: "Anti -Jewish thugs occupied the top universities in the United States. They called for eliminating Israel and attacking Jewish students and Jewish teachers."

He condemned the principals of several American universities to respond to this matter "shame" and called for more actions to prevent demonstrations.