(Washington Composite Electric) The US Senate with an overwhelming votes, with a package of legislative facilities through a package of 95 billion US dollars (about S $ 129.3 billion), including the long -delayed Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan Military Aid ActShort video application TIKTOK's bill from Chinese company bytes.President Biden immediately signed a bill on Wednesday, making them take effect into law.

The US Senate approved the four bill passed by the House of Representatives on Saturday on Tuesday (April 23) with a voting result of 79 votes and 18 votes opposed on Tuesday (April 23).These four bills were merged into a package of bills in the Senate.After signing, Biden said that the United States will start to provide military assistance to Ukraine within a few hours.

According to the bill, the United States will provide Ukraine with $ 61 billion in military assistance, $ 13 billion in assistance in Israel, and $ 9 billion to provide humanitarian assistance to Garha, Haiti, and Sudan civilians.India competes against China.

Two U.S. officials told Reuters that the Bayeng government has prepared a $ 1 billion military aid facilities for Ukraine. This is the first assistance plan in a package of bills, including providing chariots and "poisoning" air defense air defense air defense air defenseBased on ammunition, artillery and ammunition, and other weapons that can be put into the battlefield immediately.

Ukrainian President Zelei Sky for finally expressed his gratitude to the United States for finally passing the aid bill. He wrote on social media: "Ukraine's long -range strike ability, artillery and air defense systems are key tools for restoring peace as soon as possible."Weapons and ammunition supply is seriously insufficient, and it is difficult to resist the Russian offensive.Analysts pointed out that the supply of new weapons will help the Kiev to stop the Russian army's major breakthroughs in the Wudong region.

The Kremlin spokesman Peskov said on Wednesday (24th) that if the U.S. military aids include the remote army tactical missile system (ATACMS) that can strike more in the Russian territory, Russia will expand in Ukraine's territory.Cushion.

Israeli Foreign Minister Kaz thanked the United States for passing the Aid Act of Israel. He said that this "clearly proves the power of our alliance and sent a strong message to all our enemies."

Reuters pointed out that Israel has obtained billions of US dollars of security aid funds for the United States each year. How to add military aid will affect the conflict of Harbin, which is not clear for the time being.However, as Iran recently launched a direct military attack on Israeli territory for the first time, the risk of evolving the conflict of Harbin has increased.

A package of laws passed by the United States includes providing a $ 2 billion military funding for Indo -Pacific partners such as Taiwan, and $ 1.9 billion to supplement the supply of defense materials and services to Taiwan and regional partners.

When Tsai Ing -wen in Taiwan received a cross -party delegation from the House of Representatives in the Presidential Palace on Wednesday, she thanked the US Congress for showing their support for Taiwan for their support.She said: "We are glad that the US Senate has just passed these bills."

China urges the United States to fulfill the promise of Taiwan independence

In response to the approval of the Taiwan military in the United States, Zhu Fenglian, a spokesman for the Taiwan Office of the Chinese State Council, urged the United States to perform the non -support of Taiwan independence commitments with practical actions and stopped armed Taiwan in any way.She pointed out that the Congress of the United States Congress was stuffed into Taiwan -related content, which seriously violated a China Principles and the three joint communiqué regulations of China and the United States, and sent an error signal to the Taiwan independence split forces. China "resolutely opposed".

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said at a regular press conference on the same day: "Meitai strengthens military linked, will not bring security to Taiwan, and it will not be able to save the fate of Taiwan independence.The risk of the tension and conflict confrontation of the Taiwan Strait will eventually be moved to the feet of stones.

He called on the United States to "stop armed Taiwan, stop making a new situation in the Taiwan Strait, and stop endangering the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait."


A package of the United States also includes a byte beating for 270 days to peel off TIKTOK, otherwise Tiktok will face a blockade.After the final period is far after the presidential election of the United States, some American members are worried that China will use this application to intervene in the election.

A person familiar with Tiktok's idea pointed out that Beijing will not allow the byte to beat Tiktok, so as to avoid Tiktok's precious algorithms and data fall into the hands of Americans.