(Tokyo Composite Electric) Before the US Secretary of State Brinkeng visited China, General Aqurino, commander of the U.S. Army India Command, who was about to leave, said that China ’s words and deeds in Asia are quickly becoming more aggressive.sex.

Aquilino said on Tuesday (April 23) in Tokyo and said, "We all need to understand that the situation has developed very quickly. Although the economic downturn, they (China) is still enhancing its military strength.It is increasingly emphasizing that the "ten sections" are their own sovereign territory, and they are gradually being put into action. "

He warns that China ’s action in the South China Sea is dangerous and destroyed.In the past few months, China and the Philippines have been rubbing in Ayunjin Reef (known as Renai Reef) in the China Sea in the South China Sea.Water cannon interception.

Aquilino also criticized China to adopt "increasingly aggressive coercion and pressure operations" around Taiwan, including increasing maritime patrols and continuing to cross the central line that aimed at preventing misjudgments.

Aquilino questioned that Chinese economic data is still expanding military power is worrying

China released last week that the Chinese economy increased by 5.3%year -on -year in the first quarter of this year.Aquilino questioned the authenticity of these data.He pointed out that the Chinese economy has been affected by the shock of the real estate market, and China's official economic growth rate data is "not real."

He said that in the face of economic downturn, he is still providing funds for expanding military capabilities, which is worrying.He believes that China's actual national defense budget is much higher than 7.2%announced last month.

Aquilino met with Japanese Prime Minister Kishida in Tokyo on Monday, and the two sides confirmed the importance of strengthening the United States and Japan alliances in response to the threat of China.

The United States is actively attracting partners in the Asia -Pacific region to jointly check and balance China, which is condemned by Beijing.

U.S. Secretary of State Brills started a second visit to China within one year on Tuesday. He will convey to Beijing's concern to the Chinese company's support for Russian war machines. At the same time, he should try to avoid derailment of US -China relations.Brinken is also expected to reiterate the support of the United States for Taiwan. Taiwan ’s president Lai Qingde will swore to work next month.

In the statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued by China on Tuesday, it has severely criticized the United States to hype "China’ s capacity excessive theory ". This attitude indicates that the communication between Bronken and China may not be smooth.