(Washington Composite Electric) The United States requires the short video platform TIKTOK to take effect from the law of the Chinese bytes of the parent company in China, and the White House called on the Chinese government to allow TIKTOK to transfer;Essence

The White House spokesman Jean-Pierre said on Wednesday (April 24) that the U.S. government has no intention to ban Tiktok, but hopes that it is acquired by Americans so that it is no longer controlled by the Beijing government.She said: "We don't want to implement the ban. There are already American investors interested in this."

The White House national security adviser Sha Liewen said that the next thing to do the Bayeng government is to guide Tiktok from Chinese owners by the guidance of national security concerns.

U.S. President Biden signed early on Wednesday to make the new law take effect.According to the New Law, Tiktok has nine months of jumping from bytes, otherwise Apple and Google's application stores in the United States will exclude it, which is actually equivalent to excluding Tiktok outside the US market.

The American and other Western officials and critics of Tiktok said that Tiktok allows Beijing to collect data and monitor users, and it is a channel for Beijing to spread and propaganda.China and Tiktok have strongly denied it.

Although Tiktok is decoupled from Beijing on the grounds of national security, Zhou's capital said in a video released by the new law after the new law came into effect: "There is no doubt that this is a ban.The ban on your voice "

He said: "Politicians may say that, but don't feel confused. Many people who support the law acknowledge that it is the ultimate goal for Tiktok."

Zhou's capital called this move "Ironics", because "the freedom of speech on Tiktok reflects the same American value of the United States to become the same American lighthouse."

Zhou's funding told the Tiktok platform 170 million U.S. users: "Please rest assured, we won't go anywhere. We will continue to fight for your rights in the court, the facts and the constitution are on the side."P>

Tiktok will quote the first amendments to the US Constitution to challenge the new law, and it is expected that Tiktok users will also take legal operations.Judge Montana, USA, rejected the state's ban on Tiktok on the grounds of freedom of speech last November.

Legal experts say that opponents should argue that the new law prevents users from expressing their opinions and enterprises using Tiktok to sell products, thereby violating freedom of speech.

The American Citizen Freedom Alliance said that it is forbidden or demanded that Tiktok will "create a shocking global precedent for the government's excessive control of the government's social media platform."

Many experts have questioned any potential buyers who have financial resources to buy TIKTOK, and whether Chinese and American officials will approve related transactions.Some analysts believe that Microsoft and Oracle are possible buyers of Tiktok.

Byte beating to sell TIKTOK is January 19 next year

The new law takes effect on April 24, which means that the time limit for the selling Tiktok to the January 19th of next year is the day before the term of the president of Biden, but Bayeng can also extend this period to threeA month.

Biden is seeking re -election.His campaign team said they would continue to use Biden's publicity account on Tiktok to attract more young voters.

The new law also provides new tools for the White House to prohibit or forcibly sell other foreign applications that constitute a security threat.

Democratic Senator Huaiden said that he was worried that the new law "provided extensive power, and the government may abuse these powers to infringe the first amendment to Americans in the future."