Four sources said that the owner of the Chinese short video application TIKTOK beating would rather close Tiktok's business in the United States and did not want to sell it.

Reuters reports that sources close to byte beating say that the algorithm dependent on Tiktok's operations is considered the core of byte beating overall operations, which makes the byte mobilize selling Tiktok is very small.If the byte beating consumes all legal means and challenges the US demand for Tiktok's legislation from the byte beating and stripping, it would rather let TIKTOK withdraw from the US market.

They disclosed that TIKTOK has a small share in the total revenue of byte beating and daily active users, so the byte beating is willing to let Tiktok close the US business in the worst case, nor does it want to sell Tiktok to potential potentialAmerican buyer.

Sources required to be unknown also said that the effect of closing Tiktok's business in the US business on the byte beating business is limited, and the byte beating will not lose the core algorithm because of this.

Byte beating refuses to comment on the report.