I don't know what to do, a court of courts in a court in Pennsylvania made thousands of pages of the discrepancies related to the birth of the Tiktok owner.I read these files before they became secret.

Files include email, chat history and memo, which is a wonderful window to understand the origin of byte beating.It can be seen that the financial trading company owned by the Republican Golden Master Jeff, Haina International Group -the role played in the creation of byte beating is greater than what I knew before.

They also tell the story of a new version of byte beating, a story that is ups and downs in the process of becoming one of the world's highest market value startups.

Born on a real estate website in China.

The origin story of the rolling bytes we know is a halo of Silicon Valley legend.It is said that in 2012, the founder of the company Zhang Yiming outlined the company's concept for an employee of the subsidiary of Hainan International Group on a napkin paper.

His plan has won the recognition of Haina International Group, and they decided to invest.

In fact, records show that the story of byte beating has to be talked about a few years ago.In 2009, the Chinese subsidiary of Haina International Group selected Zhang Yiming to manage a real estate startup named Jiu Jiufang.The company has a good search technology to match the ideal property for buyers.

The company finally failed. In 2012, Zhang Yiming wrote in an email that real estate made him tired.When the ideological byte beating, he kept in touch with Heine International Group. He said that byte beating is the "brother company" of the real estate company.

This time, he did not think about matching between the buyer and the house, but to pair the user with the hilarious video and lifestyle content.

File shows that during the ten -nine room, Zhang Yiming developed two prototype applications, one was a funny picture and the other was the connotation paragraph.They are very popular.

Byte beating was originally called enjoyment.

A memorandum of early investment describes a plan that sounds like Tiktok.

This new company is based on a simple idea: Do not let users choose who or groups, instead tap their data and choose content for them.

Memorandum wrote that the goal is to "choose the hottest information to start virus transmission."The memorandum was written by the Chinese subsidiary of Haina International Group.

Andrew Correr, managing director of Oriental Capital Research Company, told me that these documents were "amazing."He also said that although the project was obviously not last formed at the time, the letter of "overviewed business plan sounded like tiktok".

Zhang Yiming became the founder of the company.

Where does the technology of tiktok come from?

Two former contractors are suing Haina International Group, accusing the latter of the tip search technology they developed, but did not compensate them.

Haina International Group denied this allegations and responded to the lawsuit.TIKTOK's algorithm -videos that provides people keeping the screen -have obviously evolved for many years.

But these documents do show that byte beating from the nine or nine houses invested by Haina International Group in the early days.Is this technology the same, and this problem may eventually be submitted to the jury.

Asia's company is small.

In 2012, the Chinese subsidiary of Haina International Group's valuation of the byte beating was about 9 million US dollars.It invested more than $ 2 million in early funds for this idea.According to court documents, it later invested "hundreds of millions of dollars".

According to the data of CB Insights, a company that tracks venture capital and start -ups, the company's current market value is $ 225 billion.

This is equivalent to the home run of venture capital.

This return is also risky.

Some US members have proposed concerns about national security.They said that Tiktok has too many data about Americans and say that byte beating as a Chinese company may use its algorithm to provide users with false information and publicity.

Congress is discussing a bill, either banned Tiktok in the United States, or forced by bytes to beat this application.

This will be a devastating blow for Hainan International Group. According to the New York Times and other media reports, it has a shares of about 15%of bytes.

Ace is funding a liberal group that defends Tiktok.According to data from OpenSecrets, a research institution that tracks political funds, as of the end of last year, Asia's donation exceeded $ 46 million, it was the largest donor in this election cycle.

These files have been sealed again.

After reading these records, my colleagues and I started looking for someone to comment.Lawyers of Haina International Group responded that these documents should not be made public.They contacted the court, and the documents were sealed again.