The U.S. House of Representatives passed a foreign aid bill worth 96 billion US dollars (about S $ 129.3 billion) on Saturday (April 20) to provide security assistance to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan.

Comprehensive Reuters and Agence France -Presse reported that the bill has now been submitted to the Democratic Senate. The Senate is expected to review the bill next Tuesday (23rd) and conduct preliminary voting on the afternoon of the same day.

This foreign aid bill will provide Ukraine with a US $ 60.84 billion assistance, of which $ 23 billion is used to supplement US weapons, inventory and facilities.

In addition, the United States will provide Israel with a $ 26 billion assistance, of which 9.1 billion U.S. dollars are used for humanitarian needs; the remaining $ 8.12 billion is used to assist the Indo -Pacific region including Taiwan.

At present, the Ukraine lacks key ammunition and a perfect air defense system to resist the invasion of the Russian army. It is learned that the Acting Act was finally approved. President Ukraine issued a post on the X platform thanked the US legislators for letting "history has gone on the right track".Essence

Zellennki said: "The important US aid bill passed today by the House of Representatives will prevent the expansion of the war, save thousands of lives, and help us to become stronger."

Later on the same day, the Kremlin spokesman Peskov said that the Aidu Act of the House of Representatives said that this would cause more losses and deaths in the Ukraine conflict.

Russian news agencies quoted Peskov's words that this decision "will make the United States more wealthy, further destroy Ukraine, and cause more Ukraine to die, which is the error of the Kiev power."

Peskov also said that legislation allows Washington to confiscate Russian assets detained and transfer it to Ukraine for reconstruction, which will damage the image of the United States.