(Capri/Washington Composite Electric) U.S. Secretary of State Brosky urges Europe to strengthen pressure on China and accuse Beijing for assisting Russia for military expansion.EU officials said that there are signs that China is supplying parts that can be used to make weapons.

The Seventh Kingdom Group (G7) on Thursday (April 18) held a meeting of Foreign Minister's Minister of Foreign Affairs in the rotating chairman of the President, and Broskels put forward his concerns at a meeting of the Russian -Ukraine War on a meeting.A senior US official said that since the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War, China has always been the key force to revitalize the Russian defense industry base and help Russia to expand production equipment and ammunition. This assistance method threatened the entire Europe.

The official said that foreign ministers of G7 will propose this warning in the upcoming joint bulletin.

The Russian army has gained advantages on the battlefield recently, and Ukraine is facing the challenge of ammunition and weapon shortage.The United States especially hopes that European countries will pressure China and require the latter to reduce military support for Moscow.Blintin will visit China in the next few weeks. A US State Department spokesman said he is expected to put forward similar concern during his visit to China.

A spokesman for the Chinese Embassy previously stated that China is not the party of the Ukraine crisis, and the normal trade between China and Russia should not be disturbed or restricted.

U.S. officials said last week that the materials Chinese provided to Russia include drones and missile technology, satellite images and machine tools.Although they are not enough to provide fatal assistance, it will help Russia to strengthen military strength and support a two -year battle.

According to the EU Council Executive Vice Chairman, East Brovskis pointed out on Thursday, the European Union found signs that China is supplying parts that can be used to manufacture weapons to Russia.These equipment involves military -civilian dual -use products, not real weapons, but such actions highlight how important the West is more determined to support Ukraine.

He said that if the West does not show the necessary determination to prevent Russia's aggression, impose sanctions on Moscow, and provide all necessary support to Ukraine, it will have very negative consequences.He will meet with the US legislators during his visit to Washington, emphasizing the importance of the United States for a long -term delayed assistance to Ukraine.

The House of Representatives of the United States is expected to vote on the new assistance bill on Saturday (20th), including the US military for US $ 61 billion (about $ 83.1 billion).After meeting with Ukraine's foreign minister Kulbaba on Thursday, Bollingak also emphasized the urgent need to strengthen Ukraine.

Kulba said that supporting Ukraine is a matter of life and death. He will strive to strive for more air defense support at the G7 conference, which is of fundamental significance for Ukraine.