(Kapuri Comprehensive) Seven Kingdoms Group issued one of the strongest warnings in China to date, warning China to stop assisting Russia to fight Ukraine.

Seventh Kingdom Group (G7) Foreign Minister issued a joint communique after three days of conclusion of the end of Italy on Friday (April 19) to express strong concern for Chinese companies to transfer military and civilian materials and weapons components to Russia.

Bulletin pointed out that Russia is using these materials to promote military production and rebuild and revive the foundation of the defense industry, which pose a threat to the peace and security of Ukraine and international."When China and Russia established an increasingly close relationship, Russia launched an illegal war of aggression and we cannot accept it."

U.S. Secretary of State Brillings told media reporters after the meeting that G7 and many countries have clearly told China that they should not supply weapons to Russia, because this allows the Russian army to continue to invade Ukraine and help Russia from the wholeReconstruction of national defense strength.

He said: "China cannot have both two. On the one hand, it must be friendly with European countries, and on the other hand, it has encouraged the biggest threat to Europe since the end of the Cold War."

German Foreign Minister Berbak told reporters: "We call on China to play its influence on Russian President Putin. In any case, we cannot accept any country in the world to add bricks to the war machines of Putin."

China has tried to create a basic neutral image on the issue of the Russian and Ukraine War, but China and Russia are also continuing to deepen the "unlimited" partnership.Ukrainian allies, including the United States, have accused China of providing Russia with optical, nitrifying cotton, microelectronics and turbine jet engines.According to Bloomberg earlier this month, Beijing also provided Russia with satellite images for military purposes, as well as microelectronics and machine tools for tanks.

NATO agrees to provide air defense systems for Ukraine

On the other hand, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization announced that it will provide more air defense systems for Ukraine.

NATO Secretary -General Stoltenberg held a video conference with Ukrainian President Zelei on Friday that NATO has re -planned the existing capabilities of the entire league.It will announce the provision of new air defense capabilities for Kiev.

He revealed that the air defense system that can be supplied to Kiev in NATO national inventory includes American Patriot missile defense systems, as well as the "Mamp" air defense system (SAMP/T) in France and Italy.

Zelei Sky said that in a video, he called on NATO member states to step up to provide weapons to Ukraine.He emphasized that without Western support, Ukraine could not defend himself.