(华盛顿/耶路撒冷综合电)伊朗和以色列至今在遭受对方攻击后都反应克制,但国际社会担心,如果双方之间的袭击继续,中东的紧张局势会迅速升级;有分析甚至认为,若The persistent swords on the two countries cannot rule out the future of the regional war in the Middle East.

Kurma, director of the Middle East project of Washington Think Tank Wilson Center, said that the attack between Ivy has completely changed the rules of war between the two Middle East enemies.She said: "This has also exacerbated the tension in the Middle East. For many countries in this region, the possibility of a full -scale war in the future becomes very real."

Wasanca, director of the Iranian project of the Middle East Institute of another think tank in Washington, said that Israel has already considered the consequences of attacking the Iranian embassy in Syria, and it may even intend to pull the United States into it, not in it, not in it, not inCriticizing the Gaza strategy of Israel.

He believes that Israel is forcing Iran to reintegrate the cost of using agents in Iraq, Lebanon, Syria and Yemen to fight with Israel.

"This is actually a very simple model. Iran believes that it confronts the opponent (Israel) in the region, so that it does not have to fight against opponents in the country. However, from the recent operation of IsraelTest, and I am convinced that Israel is intentional. "

Iran launched an unprecedented direct attack on Israeli territory with 300 missiles, drones and rockets last weekend. Israel launched revenge on Friday and attacked a military base near Iran's city of ISFAN.Isfan is the third largest city in Iran, and multiple nuclear facilities are concentrated here.However, the direct attacks of the two sides did not cause major casualties or damage.

It is known that the United States put pressure on Israel and Iran in private beforehand, asking them to restrict the crackdown within a certain range.US Secretary of State Broskerer also tried to persuade Tehran to restrain Tehran through China, Turkey, and Germany.

Kurma from Wilson Center said: "In the past week, diplomatic movements are mainly focused on eased the situation. At present, these efforts seem to be successful."

Some people familiar with the matter revealed that Israel was due to differences in the inside of the cabinet and pressure in the United States, and finally decided to only launch a limited counterattack on Iran.

Reuters quoted three sources that three members in the cabinet opposed to cracking down on strategic locations including Iran's nuclear facilities and worried that they would cause wider regional conflicts.In addition, partners such as the United States and the Persian Gulf countries have issued a strong warning to upgrade the situation, forcing the Fang to extend the counterattack plan twice.

For Reuters reports, Israel is unwilling to comment.

The former director of the research department of the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad said that although Israel's attack scope of this time is narrow, it has made the world see Israel's power.

以色列前高级军事情报官库珀瓦瑟尔也说:“我们所取得的成就是,我们让伊朗暴露了他们的脆弱性。袭击目标距离核设施不远,说明我们可以到达这些地方并Destruction " At this time when Iraqi tighten the international nerves, Iraq, neighboring between the two countries.A military base of the Shiite militia in Iran, Iran, had an explosion on Saturday (20th), causing a death and eight injuries.

The video image intercepted from social media shows that the Karlu Su base in Iraqi Babylon has exploded.This base belongs to the "People's Mobilization Organization" of Shiitian militia in Iran.(Agence France -Presse)

Hashed Al-Shaabi confirmed that it had an explosion in the command post of Kalsu Base in northern Babylon.It shows that it will be revealed.

After the attack, witnesses in the Baghdad and Babylonian province said that they saw multiple drones hovering over the sky.However, the Iraqi military said that no drones or fighters were found in the Babylonian region before and after the explosion.

There are rumors that the U.S. military launched the air raid, and the US Central Command refuted this statement, emphasizing that the U.S. military has no air attack Iraq.Israeli officials also told the US media that Israel has nothing to do with this explosion in Iraq.