(Beijing/Paris/Brussels Comprehensive Electric) Israeli launched a retaliation against Iran's territory, and the international community called for relevant parties to restrain from all parties to prevent the situation from continuing to heat up. Some countries in the Middle East were worried that the situation could evolve into a wider regional war.

After the Iranian embassy in the Syrian capital Damascus, after the fatal air attack launched by Israel on April 1, Tehran launched a large -scale drone and missile attack on Israel last weekend. Now Israel seems to launch a counterattack against Iran.

According to Iranian media reports, a huge explosion sound came out on Friday (April 19) in Iran's Iran.US media quoted US officials that Israel launched a retaliation attack on Iran's territory.

In Paris, the capital of France, a man suspected to break into the Iranian consulate with explosives. The police later arrested the man, but did not find the explosive on him.

A man threatened the bomb on the Iranian consulate that broke into Paris on Friday (April 19). The French police immediately blocked the surrounding areas after arriving at the scene.The police later arrested the man, but did not find explosives on him.(Reuters)

Harbin conflict has continued for more than half a year. Nowadays, Israel and Iran are in danger to separate their tricks, making all walks of life worry that major upgrades may occur in the Middle East crisis.Feng Delin, the chairman of the European Commission, said that the Middle East must maintain stability and urged Iraqi to avoid taking further action.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said: "China opposes any behaviors that will lead to further intensity of the situation, and will continue to play a constructive role for promoting the ease of the situation."

U.S. Secretary of State Brills, who attended the Seventh -point Group (G7) Foreign Minister meeting in Italy, was asked the latest Iranian attack at a press conference.He responded: "I don't talk about this issue, I can only say that the United States has not participated in any attack."

The Middle East crisis is the primary topic of the G7 Foreign Minister meeting.Brinken shows that G7 will be committed to ease the tension and avoid any potential conflicts in the Middle East.

Other representatives of the participating countries have also expressed the same position.British Prime Minister Sonak emphasized that the regional situation upgrades do not meet the interests of anyone, and the United Kingdom hopes to see the parties keep calm.

The German Chancellor Tsutz said: "It is still a top priority to ease the situation. We will also discuss this issue with all partners and allies and work together in this direction."

Lin Fangzheng, Secretary -General of Japan's Cabinet, said that Japan's strong condemnation of the situation that leads to the upgrading of the situation and will continue to take all necessary diplomatic efforts to prevent the situation from deteriorating.

It is closely concerned about the situation in the region that is close to the Gaza Strip and Israel.It warns that the expansion of conflicts and regional instability will bring serious consequences.Oman, who has been involved in the mediation in the past few months, has condemned Israel to launch an attack on Iran, condemning Israel to repeatedly launch a military attack in the region.

Jordan condemned all actions that might be involved in the Middle East in war.It emphasized that both Israel and Iran's revenge must stop, and the non -human war war on Gaza must also stop immediately.

The United Arab Emirates said that in addition to resolving conflicts through dialogue and diplomatic channels, it is necessary to reach a substantial solution on the current dispute and crisis of the Middle East, which is enough to ease the tension.

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov said on Friday that Moscow had a telephone contact with Iran and Israel, and clearly told Israel that Iran does not want the situation to upgrade.

UN Secretary -General Gutres also emphasized that the dangerous revenge cycle in the Middle East must stop.He urged the international community to work together to prevent any development that might bring destructive consequences to the Middle East.