(Jerusalem Comprehensive) The sound of explosion in the early morning of Friday in central Iran, there are reports that this is Israel's retaliation attack on Iran.However, various signs show that Iran and Israel do not seem to want things to make troubles, so as not to upgrade regional tensions.

According to the description of Iranian media and officials, there are many on -Friday (April 19) in Iran, and three drones are intercepted over the central city of Isefaham in the central city.Interception.It is reported that the attack was initiated by the "invaders" but did not mention Israel.This may indicate that Iran will no longer take revenge on Israel.

an Iranian official even bluntly in an interview with Reuters that Iran has no plans to retaliate with Israel."The source of this incident has not yet been determined. We have not been attacked by any foreign attacks. We are more inclined to think that this is a penetration event instead of attack."

ISFAhan is the third largest city in Iran, and many nuclear facilities in Iran, including the Natanz nuclear facilities that perform uranium concentration plans, are concentrated there.Iran media said that local nuclear facilities were safe and no accident occurred.The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) also confirmed that Iran's nuclear facilities were not damaged and called on all parties to maintain restraint, emphasizing that nuclear facilities should not be the target of military conflicts.

According to the New York Times, two Israeli officials confirmed that Israeli launched the attack and stated that a military base near Isfahan was hit.It is believed that this base is one of the multiple launch stadiums in Iran's air strike last weekend.

Bloomberg quoted two U.S. officials reported that the United States received a notice from Israel in advance that it would launch an attack on Iran, but did not explain to it and did not participate in the operation.When the US Secretary of State Broskere, when attending a foreign ministerial meeting of the Seventh National Group in Italy, he also told the media that "the United States has not participated in any attacks."

The "penetration event" this time also led Iran to close the Western airspace, forcing business flights to make a second time in a week.

Generally believes that Iran has only been attacked by "limited" and calm in Iran's response, which is the result of multi -party diplomatic efforts.After Iran dispatched missiles and drones to hit Israel last weekend, officials of many countries ran to mediate non -stop, trying to persuade Iraq to restrain both sides and avoid the expansion of conflicts.Even after the incident, Iran and Israel have not issued any statements on the incident.

According to the analysis of the Israeli Times, the official Iranian official obviously diluted the attack, and Israel officially did not come up with the launch of the attack. This is to give the Iranian official downstream and avoid cycle retaliation attacks.This seems to show that the two countries have no intention of worsening the situation.

Reports pointed out that the Israeli Land Defense Command has not issued a warning, and the public must be prepared to hide into the air defense tank, showing that the official believes that Iran will not counterattack.

A number of former military and intelligence officials in Israel also believes that the attack on Friday was an "limited military blow" adopted by the military against Iran in order to warn Tehran.

Pervase, a former senior military intelligence officer in Israel, said that the target hit this time is not far from the nuclear facilities in Iran. Israel is to let Iran know that the Israeli army can hit these facilities.

The European Foreign Relations Commission Daxi, an expert in the Middle East and North Africa issues, said that from the present point of view, Iraqi does not seem to want to fight directly.However, he warned that the action of Friday is not yet possible to respond to Israel, so it cannot be ruled out that the situation will be more widely confronted with development.

Iran's attack is not unusual after all, and the global market is suddenly shocked.Brent crude oil broke through the $ 90 mark, but then shook down.The yield of the Asian stock market and bonds also fell, and the price of risk aversion currency, gold and crude oil rose, but the fluctuation range was limited.

In case, the US Embassy in Israel announced on Friday that restricted employees and family members' travel on Friday, and they were not allowed to go to Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, and the southern town of Beersheva.Australia urged citizens to leave Israel and Palestinian territory as much as possible.