(Washington Composite Electric) Israel requires the United States to provide more tank ammunition and chariot in order to deal with the Gaza War and Iran. The United States also considers Israel with more than $ 1 billion of weapons.

The Wall Street Journal reported on Friday (April 19) that a number of US officials revealed that the Bayeon government was considering providing new weapons transactions with more than $ 1 billion (about S $ 1.36 billion) to Israel, including tank ammunition, military use, military useVehicle and mortar shells.

They said that the list of Bayeng government's consideration includes the transfer of 120 mm tank ammunition worth $ 700 million, a $ 500 million tactical vehicle, and a 120 mm mortar shells of less than US $ 100 million.Among them, the tank ammunition accounts for the largest share, followed by Oshkosh's medium -sized tactical vehicle series.This transaction must be approved by Congress leaders, and it may take months or years to be delivered.

The above proposal is one of the largest pairs of weapons transactions since Israel's invasion of Gasha, which is not included in the military aid agreement that has been submitted to the U.S. Congress.This is also the first time that Iran directly launched missiles and drones attack on Israeli territory last weekend. After Israel has made a limited counterattack, the United States considers to increase the military sales of Israel.

Bloomberg also quoted three insiders that Israel had just put forward new weapon supply requirements to the United States to supplement military reserve inventory, but the US government has not yet officially evaluated.

However, both the US State Department and the Pentagon refused to comment on these reports. The White House did not respond to media inquiries, and the Israeli military also refused to respond.

Since the outbreak of Harbin conflict in October last year, the United States has transported tens of thousands of bombs, tanks, artillery and eulsion, precise weapons and air defense equipment based on the US $ 23 billion weapon transfer project approved by Congress earlier.

However, this latest military sales proposal may face the resistance of some American members.They opposed to provide more weapons to Israel, even if these weapons were to assist Israel to respond to threats other than Harbin conflict.

More and more Democratic Democratic members put pressure on the Bayeng government, advocating reducing the supply of weapons of Israel to force it to take more measures to prevent Kasha civilians from being killed.According to Palestinian hygiene officials, the Harbin conflict has caused more than 33,000 people in Gaza, most of which are civilians.

The Israeli army uses tanks in the densely populated area of ​​Gaza, and human rights organizations and even some Western officials have criticized criticism.

For the United States' continuous supply of weapons to Israel, the senior adviser of the International Crisis Organization, Fi Nukan said: "This is an unconditional military -supported signal ... The United States has not used its advantages in weapon ?? Transfer to affect Israel's behavior."