The Seventh Kingdom Group (G7) Foreign Minister issued one of the strongest warnings to China so far to warn the Chinese side to stop assisting Russia's war on Ukraine.

Bloomberg reported that the US Secretary of State Brinkeaka said on Friday (April 19) after the G7 Foreign Minister's meeting held in Kapuri, Italy said that the G7 and many countries have clearly told China that they should not supply weapons to Russia. ThisLet the Russian army continue to invade Ukraine and help Russia to rebuild national defense strength as a whole.

Brinken said: "China cannot have both two. On the one hand, it has friendly relations with European countries, and on the other hand, it has promoted the biggest threat to Europe since the end of the Cold War."

G7 expresses strong concerns about the transfer of military and civilians to Russia to Russia's transfer of military -civilian objects and weapons parts in the bulletin.They pointed out that Russia is using these materials to promote military production and rebuild and revive the foundation of the defense industry, which pose a threat to peace and security of Ukraine and international.

Although China seeks to create a basic neutral image on the issue of the Russian and Ukraine War, China and Russia have formed a deep alliance according to the "unlimited limit" of the friendship between the two countries two years ago.

Ukrainian allies, including the United States, have accused China of supporting Russia in optics, nitrifying cotton, microelectronics and turbine jet engines.Bloomberg reported earlier in April that Beijing also provided Russia with satellite images for military purposes and microelectronics and machine tools for tanks.


G7 communiqué said, "When China is established with a closer relationship with Russia, and Russia launches an illegal war of aggression, we are unacceptable."

German Foreign Minister Berbak told reporters: "We call on China to use its influence on Putin. In any case, we cannot accept any country in the world to add bricks to war machines in Putin."