(United Nations Composite Television) The United States rejected Palestine's application for Palestine's application to become a formal member of the United Nations in the United Nations Security Council.

When the Security Council performed on Thursday (April 18), 12 of the 15 members voted for the votes, the Britain and Switzerland abstained, and the permanent directors and the United States exercised the veto power. As a result, the draft failed.

Palestinian Presidential Palace condemned the United States to veto as "unfairness, immorality and unreasonable", exposing the United States' contradiction in the Pakistani policy policy.It means that the United States claims to support the "two countries" on the one hand, but on the other hand, it uses veto to prevent the implementation of this solution.

After the voting of the Palestinian representative of the United Nations, the representative of the United Nations, emotionally, said to the Security Council emotionally: "This resolution cannot shake our will and will not frustrate our determination. We will not stop working."

Hamas also condemned the United States, and called on the international community to support the struggle between the Palestinians and the legitimate rights of self -determination.

Wood, deputy representative of the United States, said in a speech: "The United States still strongly supports the two countries' plans. This voting does not mean that the United States opposes the founding of Palestine's founding, but realize that this can only be realized through direct negotiations between the two parties."

Israel thanked the United States for exercising its veto, and stated that the countries that voted for votes will only make peace more difficult.

Palestine is currently a UN observer state.Palestine said that among the current 193 member states of the United Nations, 137 have recognized Palestinian.

According to the United Nations Charter, the United Nations accepts new member states must be recommended by the Security Council, and then finalized by the United Nations Conference.Due to the acceptance of new member states as substantive issues, at least nine members of the Security Council must agree, plus five permanent members (the United States, Britain, France, Russia, and China) are not objected to pass.The United University's voting must be approved by at least two -thirds of the member states.The last time that a country wanted to join the United Nations was rejected in 1976, when the United States rejected Vietnam's application.

The UN Security Council has always supported the vision of coexistence in Israel and Palestine's recognized borders.The Palestinians' wishes were established on the west bank, east Jerusalem and Gasha Strip in the Jordan River.These land were occupied by Israel during the Middle East War in 1967.

In 1994, after the establishment of the Palestinian national power agency, the Israeli army withdrew nearly 70 % of the Gaza Strip and 90 % of the Jordan River.In 2007, Hamas expelled the Palestinian national power agency. At present, the Palestinian government only exercises limited autonomy on the West Coast.After Hamas and Israel's current conflict broke out, Israel has repeatedly stated that it does not accept the two countries' plans.

UN Secretary -General Gutres said at the Security Council on Thursday that Israel's military operation in Gaza's nearly seven months has made Gaza a "humanitarian hell."

He once again called on all parties to work hard to restrain himself, and urged Israel to allow more humanitarian assistance to enter Gasha.He pointed out that the rescue operation in Gaza was heavy, and often made progress, but the other was delayed or restricted."For example, although Israel's official approval of more aid teams to pass, these licenses are often approved only when they are late in a day, and it is too late to return to the team safely. Therefore, the role that can be played is very limited, sometimes even zero."/P>

Officials from the Ministry of Health of Gaza reported that the number of deaths caused by Harbin conflict in Gaza has been nearly 34,000.