The White House in the United States said that President Biden on Tuesday (April 2), on the phone with Chinese officials, emphasized that "the importance of maintaining peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait and the freedom of navigation and freedom of navigation in China."

Comprehensive Reuters and Bloomberg reported that the White House National Security Council spokesman Kobe said that the two talked for nearly two hours and described the call as "official".This is the first time that last November last year,

Kobe said that the two also talked about Tiktok.Biden reiterated from Chinese officials that he was worried about China's ownership of this popular video sharing.

Cerbin said: "The United States is not to prohibit this application, but to strip out from China (byte beating) to protect the national security interests of the United States and the security of American people's data."

The official release of China's official release did not mention Tiktok.

Xinhua News Agency reported that Chinese officials told Biden that in the past few months, the teams of the two sides have seriously implemented the consensus, and Sino -US relations have a stable situation, which has been welcomed by all walks of life and the international community.On the other hand, the negative factors in relations between the two countries have also increased, which needs to attract attention.

China officially pointed out that the United States has emerged endlessly for China's economic and trade technology, and the sanctions on Chinese companies have been pulling longer and longer.This is not a "risk", but a manufacturing risk.If the United States is willing to carry out mutually beneficial cooperation and share the dividends of China's development, the gate of China will always be open; if the United States insists on the development of high -tech development against China and deprives China's legitimate development rights, China will not wait.

When talking about the Taiwan issue, China officially emphasized that Taiwan's issue is the first out of the red line of Sino -US relations.China will not listen to the "Taiwan independence" forces split activities and external condonic support.It is hoped that the United States will implement the positive statement that does not support "Taiwan independence" to action.

The White House said that Biden also expressed concerns about China's "supporting the foundation of Russia's defense industry", human rights issues in Xinjiang, and non -nuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.

U.S. Finance Minister Yellen April 3 will visit China again , Kobei, State State State State also also State State Brillings alsoWill visit China in the next few weeks.