(New York News) The New York Times quoted researchers and US government officials as saying that recently, some Chinese online troops disguised as supporters of former US President Trump through secret accounts.Social division and attack the president Biden who seeks re -election.

Reports pointed out that this shows that Beijing's attempts to influence US politics have a strategic change, and they are more inclined to target specific candidates and political parties, including Biden.

Some Chinese accounts who are pretending to be Trump's fanatical fans, ridicule Bayeng's old age, reposted a fake photo of him wearing prison uniforms, or slandering Bayeng as a pedophile demon, and promoting Trump's "Let the United States be great again. "

The "Institute of Strategic Dialogue", based in the UK, found a small number of accounts pretending to be Trump supporters.Tomas, a senior analyst at this think tank, said, "I have never seen a similar phenomenon."

Thomas and other researchers have found that these new online activities are related to a long time and an account network SPAMOUFLAGE related to the Chinese government.Several accounts have previously published in Chinese to support Beijing, but when they are active in recent months, they have published them in English and pretended to be American.

In another research project, Washington Research Organization "Defending the Democratic Foundation" found 170 false pages and accounts on Facebook to push anti -American information, including sharp attacks against Biden.

Compared with the previous actions that China tried to influence American public opinion, the Chinese Internet forces' actions have more successfully attracted the attention of real users on social media platforms, and also made it more difficult for researchers to distinguish between true and false.

Although the researchers said that the overall political tendency of this operation is not clear, it proposes a possibility that the Chinese government is calculating. Although Trump sometimes makes hostile Chinese remarks, if he enters again, he will enter againThe main White House may be re -elected than Biden, which is more beneficial to China.

In February this year, the Office of the National Intelligence Director issued a report saying that China is expanding its influence movement in order to make people "doubt the leadership of the United States, destroy democracy, and expand the influence of Beijing."

The United States is worried that Beijing may use an increasingly complicated method to try to affect the presidential election of the United States, "making people criticize Chinese stand aside."