(Moscow Comprehensive Television) The Russian and Ukraine War entered the third year. Russian President Putin signed a spring recruitment order and will call for 150,000 youths to serve.France announced that in Ukraine's ammunition shortage, it announced that it would provide new military aid facilities for Ukraine, including hundreds of armored troops and land -to -air missiles.

The documents released by the Cremlin website Sunday (March 31) show that the official will recruit 150,000 people aged 18 to 30 from April 1st to July 15th.

According to regulations, all Russian men must take one year of military service since the age of 18, or receive equivalent training in higher education institutions.In July last year, the lower house of the Russian Council voted to increase the maximum enlistment age of men from 27 to 30.The new legislation came into effect on January 1 this year.

The compulsory military service system is a sensitive issue in Russia. Many men do their best to avoid receiving recruitment documents during the twice annual recruitment.Volunteers cannot be legally deployed to Russia to fight overseas. During Russia's limited mobilization in 2022, they were also exempted.The mobilization sent 300,000 personnel to military training to Ukraine to fight, but some compulsory soldiers were also wrongly sent to the front line.

France is discussing hundreds of counts of VAB armored transport vehicles to Ukraine in early 2024. The picture shows the U-Solding soldiers driving a VAB in the Donetz area on January 21 this year this year.Armor -Armor transport (Agence France -Presse)

In Paris, the French Minister of Defense Licorney said: "In order to keep the extensive (Ukraine) front line, the Ukraine needs our VAB armored military vehicle. This is absolutely necessary for the mobility of the army."

Some of the French VAB armored soldiers have exceeded 40 years, so the official is gradually eliminating the VAB team and switched to the new type of "Griffon" armored vehicle, but Licorini said that the old model "can still run" still running"" ".

He said, "We are discussing hundreds of payments in 2024 and early 2025" VAB armored troops.

Paris will also provide more Ast 30 (ASTER 30) missiles for the "Mamba" air defense system (SAMP/T).France provided the "Mamba" air defense system for Ukraine last year, similar to the American Patriot air defense system.

Loccini said: "We are still developing remote operation ammunition in a short period of time, and will transport them to Ukraine from this summer."

The French government is promoting defense companies to increase output to meet the needs of their national military and ensure that they will continue to support Ukraine, which is fighting with Russia.

Kiev ammunition inventory is left without a few promotion of Washington to approve military aid

Kiev warned that its ammunition inventory is almost left. It is particularly urging Washington to end the political deadlock and approve the aid of 60 billion US dollars (about S $ 80.9 billion).

Ukrainian Air Force said on Sunday that the Russian army fired 16 missiles and 11 drones in Ukraine during the night air strike, of which nine missiles and nine drones were shot down.

The Russian army has greatly strengthened the air strikes on black energy facilities for more than a week, causing major losses.DTEK, the largest private energy company in Ukraine, said on Saturday (30th) that five of its six -seat power stations were damaged or destroyed, and the power generation capacity was 80 % lost, and the restoration may be as long as 18 months.

Faced with the defeat of the battlefield and the army's disgust, Ukrainian President Zelei Sky continued to clean up the portal. In the past few days, eight officials have been dismissed. Most of them are his relatives and consultants, including his senior assistant and long -term business.Partner Serhi SHEFIR.