(Cairo / Gasha Composite Electric) aims to promote the negotiations between Israel and the Hamas ceasefire of Israel and Palestinian radical organizations, and will be held in the Egyptian capital Cairo on Sunday.The family members of Israel and the anti -government group launched a four -day large -scale demonstration in Jerusalem on the same day. The government was required to rescue the Israelites who were still deducted in Gaza as soon as possible.

Al-Qahera News reported that a new round of negotiation on Harbin Harbin was launched on Cairo.The Israeli Prime Minister Neyahu has previously approved the delegation to participate in the negotiations. According to Channel N12 Channel, the goal of Fang is to reach an agreement before the end of the fasting month.

Hamas officials told Reuters that Hamas intends to listen to the negotiation results of the Cairo mediation officer and the Eufang.The United States, Qatar, and Egypt, which were in the middle of the mediation, originally hoped that it would promote the ceasefire before the start of the fasting moon, but now that the fasting moon has passed, the negotiations have not made breakthroughs.

French Foreign Minister Serrune, Egyptian Foreign Minister Shuli, and Jordan Foreign Minister Safadi Satay Saturday (30th) held a joint statement after a talks in Cairo, calling for an permanent ceasefire and release hostage in Gaza.They warned that the humanitarian situation, famine and sanitary system collapse of Gaza would cause terrible consequences, and stated that they opposed the launch of military attacks in Latha, a southern city of Gasha.

Israel is determined to eradicate four Hamas combat camps

Laha is the last stronghold of Hamas in Gaza. Israel is determined to eradicate the only four local Hamas operations camps, but the United States and other countries are worried that launching a large -scale ground offensive against Lafa will lead to a large number of civilian casualties.Essence

Serena also revealed that France will propose a draft resolution on the political solution of the Gaza War to the United Nations Security Council, including all standards for the implementation of the two countries.

The UN Security Council passed a resolution last week and requested to stop immediately in Gaza.After the international court, it also ordered Israel to ensure that emergency humanitarian assistance can be delivered to Gaza civilians, but the situation of Gaza has not eased.The Ministry of Health of Gaza said on Sunday that at least 75 people died of war in the past night, mostly women and children.

In addition to being criticized by the international community, the domestic pressure facing the Israeli government is also increasing.The Israeli anti -government group and the family members of the hostage set up a camp outside the Israeli parliament on Sunday, preparing to hold a parade rally in Jerusalem for four consecutive days, asking the government to rescue the hostage in Hamas's hands and elected the new government.

In the British capital London, thousands of people have stepped up on the streets to support the Palestinians, calling for immediately to stop and provide more assistance for Gasha.At the same time, there are also fewer people participating in supporting Israel's demonstration.The London police arrested four people on the same day of hate crimes, violating public order and terrorism.

The United States proposes an alternative to Israel to replace the offensive Laafa

According to the Israeli Public Broadcasting Corporation KAN reported on Saturday, the United States has proposed an alternative to Israel to offensive Laifa, but it is not clear at present, what reactions to the proposal on this proposal.

According to reports, the Chairman of the United States Chiefs of Staff Brown Last week with the Chief of Staff of the Israeli Defense Force Harryvi, the United States stated that the United States would not accept a large number of civilians and injuries in Lafa.According to the United States alternative, Israel will use cameras and sensors to strengthen the border security border between Gaza and Egypt to prevent Hamas smuggled by the Philadelphi Corridor.

The United States also proposes to separate Lafa from other areas of Gaza so that the Israeli Army has targeted operations to specific regions according to intelligence.Brown also proposed that the United States can build a joint combat room to coordinate such actions.

The increasing worsening of the humanity situation in Gaza, and the people died in the collection of relief products.The medical staff of the Palestinian Red Crescent Society said that the project in northern Gaza distributed the shot and step on Saturday (30th), causing at least five people to die.Witnesses said that the Gaza people who were responsible for the transportation of the materials and the nearby Israeli soldiers fired, but Israel said that "there is no record of the event."

The Palestinian Red Crescent Society said that since the outbreak of the Canada War, 26 staff members have been killed by the army, of which more than 10 people are "fulfilling humanitarian duties and wearing a protected red crescent symbol".Murdered.