Thousands of Israelis Sunday (March 31) held protest demonstrations in Jerusalem in the evening, and be Israeli Prime Minister Nei Tanahu stepped down and held a new election.

Complex Reuters and Agence France -Presse reported that the Israeli people held large -scale demonstrations for the second night in a row. The demonstrator rally in front of the Israel Parliament, ignite the flames and wave the country of Israel, shouting "Nei Tanahu stepped down ", and then blocked a major highway.

Police use high -pressure blisters to demonstrators, pushing down some demonstrators and forcing them to retreat.

Organizer: The number of demonstrations is 100,000

The organizer said that the number of demonstrators on Sunday reached 100,000.The protest group includes a large -scale protest of Israel last year that shocked Israel's large -scale protests. In addition to calling for a new election to replace the Neutanhu administration, demonstrators also demanded that more equal division of military service obligations that most Israelis must bear and opposing extreme orthodox Jewish menExemption of military service.

Israel implemented a national compulsory military service, but the extreme orthodox Jews enjoy the privilege of military service exemption.Most Israelis must serve military service regardless of men and women at the age of 18.

Since October 7 last year, Hamas raid in southern Israel to trigger a new round of Since the Harbin Conflict , about 600 Israeli soldiers have died in the battlefield, which is the highest number of Israeli soldiers in the years.