(Balt's Motor News) The United States requires that the Chinese Internet giant bytes are beating in six months to peel off its short video platform TIKTOK, otherwise it will face a ban in the United States., At least after the US presidential election on November 5 this year.

The Straits Times analysis reported that the bill was strongly supported by the two parties in the House on March 13th and passed smoothly, and will be voted in the Senate.The Senate may expand this bill next Monday (April 8), cover other social software, and strengthen the bill terms to prevent possible legal challenges.

The Senate may also hold a hearing to listen to more opinions on the topic of public opinion differentiation.Tiktok is widely popular in the United States, and its active users accounted for almost half of the American population.

Senate leader and Democratic leader Shu Mo has not yet disclosed when the bill will be voted.Lewis, director of the strategic technology project of the US Strategy and International Issues Research Center, pointed out: "Any bill takes more time to the Senate ... Senators must clarify a fundamental question: Do you want to deal with TIKTOK alone or for the entire social media?"

Lewis said that another reason for the Senate to take more time is to ensure that the bill is foolproof and will not repeat the mistakes of the former Trump administration.Trump tried to issue orders to prohibit Tiktok during his administration in 2020, but was stopped by the court.


Tiktok Act to slow down the pace of customs clearance of Congress also involves political factors.In addition to the President of the November election in the United States, at least 34 senators and all members of the House of Representatives will be re -elected.When the election is approaching, politicians who seek re -election generally do not rush to pass major bills, especially for social media software with as many as 17,000 American users.

Lewis believes that from now to November, Tiktok is safe, but after the election, the lame duck parliament held before the election will have a high probability that it will pass the Tiktok bill.He said: "You will see the Senate and Congress discussing this issue within this year, it takes a year or two to be concluded."

Lewis pointed out that senators will also discuss the security risks that Americans can download Chinese application software on their mobile phones.The application software of China ’s fast -fashion cross -border e -commerce, SHEIN and e -commerce shopping platform TEMU is at the forefront of downloads in the United States.Lewis said that the United States is most concerned about downloading Chinese application software and its updated versions that will allow China to use the opportunity to implant malware and destroy the key infrastructure of the United States.