(Tehran / Damascus Comprehensive Electric) The Iranian Consular Building on the Syrian Embassy on Monday (April 1) was suspected of being attacked by Israeli missiles, killing seven Iranian military advisers, including three senior commanders.Iran vowed to retaliate, and the conflict between Israel and regional opponents will be upgraded sharply in the future.

Iran's highest leader of Hamenei said on Tuesday that Israel would be punished, and Iran would regret the crimes they committed.

Iranian President Laich said that Israel reshape the assassination method because he cannot destroy the "resistance line" led by Iran to rescue himself, and states that the strategy of the side will never succeed.

Israeli military spokesman only said when he refused to comment on the news, "We will not comment on foreign media reports."of.

A senior official of the Israeli government told Reuters that Israel dealt with behind the scenes behind the scenes that have repeatedly attacked Israel and US assets. The embassy is not the goal.Officials also said that the Fang planned to launch more attacks next.

Israel has been following Iran's military facilities in Syria for a long time, but Monday's attack was Israel's first attack on Iran's embassy in Syria.

Iranian Ambassador to Syria Akbari said the Israeli F-35 fighter launched six missiles from the Galan height.Iranian media reported on Tuesday that the number of deaths increased to 13, namely seven revolutionary guards and six Syrian civilians.

Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards issued a statement saying that among the seven military consultants, the senior commander of the Holy City Brigade of the Revolutionary Guards is the senior commander of the overseas task, Mohammad Reza Zahdi,And his deputy to pull Hei Rim Jun.Tehran believes that Zahdi is the target of attacks. Zahdi is the head of the Holy City Brigade in Palestine, Lebanon and Syria.

Syrian Foreign Minister Mekdad strongly condemned the air strike. Iran pointed out that the attack violated the UN Charter, pose a major threat to regional peace and security, and called on the UN Security Council to condemn the attack.

Iranian Foreign Minister Abdullahiyan said on Tuesday that Iran summoned Swiss special envoys representing the US diplomatic interests in Iran afterwards, emphasizing the responsibility of the US government as an Israeli supporter.

Washington claims that unknown does not involve air strikes

American news website AXIOS reported that a US official said that Washington had told Tehran that the United States did not know that Israel would launch an attack in advance, and "did not involve it."

After the attack, Iran's support of the Lebanon Allah vowed for revenge, and Iraq, Jordan, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE countries, as well as Russia also condemned the attack.

The U.S. State Department spokesman Miller said Washington still pays attention to any events that may lead to upgrading of the situation or the expansion of the Middle East conflict, but believe that this attack will not affect the negotiations that release hostages by Harbin.

Analysis: The attack reflects the deterrent belief or exacerbates the attack on the United States

Analysts pointed out that this attack reflects Israel's belief, that is, such attacks have a deterrent effect, which can reduce the possibility of increasing widespread conflict.

The Director of the Washington Think Tank Strategy and the International Research Center of the Middle East Project Ortman said: "The Israelites believe that if they shrink, the threat will increase rather than decrease. They believe that as long as they do such things, they can deter their opponents."

However, some analysts believe that this will exacerbate the already tight regional situation. Iran's agency organizations and Syrian agency organizations and Allah in Iraq and Syria may upgrade their attacks on U.S. military and Israel.

Analysis of the US Cable Television News Network (CNN) analyzed that Monday's attack may be the most dangerous upgrade event outside the Gaza region since the outbreak of Harbin conflict.Consular buildings are Iran's sovereign territory, which is the most open attack on Iran's territory over the years.And Zahdi, who was killed, was the most striking Iranian general since the commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Sulemani was killed in January 2020.