South Korea will hold a Congress election on April 10, but affected by the recent promotion of doctors caused by the Yin Xiyue government's recent promotion of medical school expansion policies, the maximum support rate of the co -Democratic Party of the Wild Party has led the party of the State Party of the ruling party.Public opinion believes that the ruling party will be difficult to reverse the situation of "Chao Xiaoyo", and Yin Xiyue may face a crisis that loses the motivation of national political operations.

The strike of Korean internships and inpatients has lasted for more than a month. When South Korean President Yin Xiyue delivered a speech on Monday (1st) on Monday (1st), he failed to resolve the crisis as a president in time and brought inconvenience to the people.Essence

However, Yin Xiyue once again emphasized that the expansion of 2,000 people in the medical school is the conclusion that the government has obtained through close calculations and fully discussed with the medical community, and is the minimum expansion scale.If the medical community proposes a more proper and reasonable plan, the government can discuss with the medical community at any time.

The polls released by the "Real Measurement" of the Korean public opinion survey agency on Monday showed that the wave of resignation of doctors has led Yin Xiyue's support rate to 36.3%, showing a downward trend for five consecutive weeks.In addition, the maximum support rate in the Wild Party is 43.1%, which is higher than 35.4%higher than the National Power Party.

The polls also show that in Zhongqing North and South Road, Busan, Ulshan, and Qingnan regions, which are often elected, about 60%of the respondents who "to judge Yin Xiyue".The result of the ruling party's disappointment has accumulated.

Cui Hongtai, chief researcher at the "Real Measurement", pointed out that when the president's disappointment and high prices such as high prices are difficult to alleviate, the medical college has continued to ferment the storm, resulting in the support rate of Yin Xiyue into the bottom of the valley.

The promotional campaign of the South Korean Congress election election has officially launched on March 28. Party parties will compete for a total of 300 national conference seats, including 254 constituency seats and 46 proportion representative seats.

The South Korean ruling party urgently needed to reverse the disadvantages in this election and provides a help for Yin Xiyue's administration in the remaining three years, but public opinion is not optimistic about the Yin Xiyue government.

The Seoul Economy in South Korea pointed out that the ruling party, which is in an ultra -urgent state, issued a five -year -old free education and the relocation of Congress to Sejong City.It is too late to change the general trend.

The professor of the Department of Political and Foreign Foreign Studies of Xijiang University believes: "There are only 10 days left to the election, as long as there are no sudden accidents, (election results) will not be variable."

Professor Li Zaimo, a professor at the Department of Political and Foreign Foreign and Foreign Foreign Studies from South Korea, also analyzed that whether it is the ruling party or the president, they have taken out all the cards they can take out. The middle voters have lost their confidence in the president.Public opinion of loss.