(Gaza Comprehensive Electric) Israel ends the two weeks of assault operations on Gaza's largest hospital in Gaza.The Gaza Department of Health said that after the Evil's evacuation, dozens of corpses were found in the hospital.

The Israeli Army announced on Monday (April 1) that the Israeli forces have completed the precise combat activities in the Higher Hospital area in northern Gaza and evacuated the hospital.As of the day, the Israeli Army had damaged 600 soldiers in the Gaza War.

The Ministry of Health of the Gaisha said that the building of the Higong -French hospital before the Evil was evacuated, causing the hospital to completely suspend its transportation; dozens of corpses were found in the hospital and around, and some of them had rotten.

Agence France -Presse quoted a local doctor as saying that they found more than 20 corpses, and some corpses were crushed by the vehicle when the Israeli army was withdrawn.Witnesses described that Highero Hospital no longer exists and must be rebuilt.

The Israeli army called Hamas elements hidden at Highero Hospital, so he launched military operations on March 18. During the period, 200 militants were killed, and a large number of weapons, explosives and cash were obtained; Hamas deniedTake medical facilities as an action base.

The Director of the World Health Organization Tan Desai said that since March 18, at least 21 patients have died.Aksa Hospital in Central Gaza was also suffered an air attack on Sunday (March 31), which caused four deaths and 17 injuries.

At the time of the incident, a group of WHO was performing human vocalist mission.Tan Desai once again called for stopping and militaryization of hospitals and protecting patients, medical staff and rescue workers.He also urged all parties to comply with the UN Security Council's demands to stop fire immediately.

American News Website AXIOS reported that the United States and Israel held a video conference on Monday to discuss the Bayeng government's alternative to entering the city of Gaza.Reuters also reported the news, saying that Midea may hold a physical meeting later this week.

In addition, the Israeli police arrested Sabah Abdel Salam Haniyeh, the sister of Hamas Politburo, on Monday, Southern Israel.Sabah is an Israeli citizen. She is suspected of contacting Hamas to incite and support terrorist behavior against Israel.